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Found 10 results

  1. Hi LAVAers. I thought I'd post this up to grab some more eyes and ideas, and maybe contributors if there is interest. I've started development of an open source datagridview project using .NET in LabVIEW to finally have a well implemented datagrid for use with LabVIEW UIs, data types and event integration. I have this all working in a sample project and would love more ideas, feedback and and help if anyone wants to contribute. The project is hosted on github, https://github.com/unipsycho/LabVIEWdotNetDataGrid I started a discussion for it in the LabVIEW NI community site when I started but its a LOT more presentable now, so extending this to LAVA. The original discussion is here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/OpenSource-Project-for-a-NET-Datagrid-for-LabVIEW/m-p/3194273 The main premise of the project is to have extended data types, extended features with a event driven datagrid for LabVIEW using .NET. Please let me know what you think or if any questions or ideas to add to this.
  2. Hi, I figured people here may be more interested in this project. I have some cool graph extensions I'm building in an open source project, which make some nice graphical overlays for XY graphs and waveform graphs in LabVIEW. I've got a github page where you can grab the code, support the project or just have a look at some of the same screenshots. Everything updates live in the graph, so you really need to see it, to get how it all works, so here you go: https://github.com/unipsycho/Graph-Extensions-LabVIEW Please star follow the project if you want to see this developed and I'd appreciate any feedback or ideas to extend it further. The markers are very much IN development right now, so no where near finished, but the tools can still be seen working. THANKS!
  3. It's nothing to fancy. I added a few things to the UI to support more features and in preparation of adding the VI renamining/relinking step that was done seperately in the OpenG DEAB tool before calling the OpenG package builder. But I never got around to really add the deab part into the package builder. It's kind of extra difficult as the DEAB compononent doesn't currently support newer features like lvclass and lvlib at all and of course no mallable VIs etc. I can post what I have somewhere, but don't get to excited.
  4. Since stumbling across the G Package Manager (GPM) while looking through this discussion on package managing I can't shake the idea that is is precisely the system that I would like to implement throughout the rest of the developers in my team for working on LabVIEW projects across multiple sites and with parallel upgrades to code to handle ongoing facility updates. However as I am sure is the case with many companies, we need to maintain our data locally for corporate reasons. There was a reference to being able to have a local repository in the initial NI Week presentation by Derek but since then I have not seen any other reference to it and there is limited information available about the processes. Has anyone got any experience with the operation of GPM for internal use, or even any use with GPM in general? From looking through the Lava and NI forums, doesn't seem like many people have picked it up or at least haven't posted anything about their experiences with it.
  5. Manufacturing a satellite or a simple pen require to test the quality of the product before delivery to the customer. LabVIEW is widely used for that purpose. Since 20 years of LabVIEW development I saw numerous test framework. I was wondering if people where interested to work in a collective and open source test framework. Per example the following feature can be included: HAL (hardware abstraction layer) Database to record test results with the data viewer (PostgreSQL) single/asynchronous/batch/debug mode multi-language support Image analysis (open CV) + bar code reader User access level Remote monitoring Jig identification to prevent user error (testing the wrong product with the wrong jig/test sequence) HTML/xml/txt report and so on.... Benoit
  6. One of the main topics of the 2018 CLA Summit was the need to improve access to open source code in the LabVIEW community. This is something that I have tried to do in the past with limited success. After hearing what others are doing and discussing the issues, I am inspired to take on the task of getting as much of my code that is shareable out into the open for others to use, improve, learn from and critique. So, the point of this thread is to figure out how best to do that. I have tried posting code to forums in the past. I have even posted to the code repository here on LAVA. I have used code posted here and via the tools network and VIPM in my own projects. But I am not sure if any of those avenues are the right path forward for me. There was much discussion about different open source repositories on the interwebs that we could leverage. There was also some discussion about how to help others discover the code you shared. What I did not hear was any definitive conclusions on how best to do this. So, the point of this thread is to try to solicit feedback on code sharing and come to some sort of consensus on the best options out there. If you have an opinion on this please join the conversation and share what you think is the best solution. Here are some questions I am trying to answer: 1. Where should we share code? What system works best for LabVIEW code and is user friendly enough to not discourage people from using it? Please share links and how-to documents for your preferred site/system. 2. How should we license code? I heard some discussion about the various type of licenses. I am not interested in retaining any rights to code I share and do not want to put any burdens on those who want to use and learn from any code I share. What licence is accepted in the open source community that supports this kind of sharing? 3. Once we post, how do we make our code discoverable? Do we need to post links all over the place or is there a better way? Here is one attempt at making that better you should check out if you have not already: I am not just interested in putting the code out there, but also trying to explain why I think it is worth your time to take a look. I am willing to post on forums, create a blog, even produce some vlogs on YouTube if it is the best option. Please let me know what format would motivate you to take the time to learn about the open source code out there. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read this thread and contribute what you can, even if it is just to follow the discussion and learn from others like I am trying to do. -John
  7. This maybe has been ask/answered/discuss before but here it is. Is there any VIPM alternative out there? If not, It will be very interesting to start a discussion whether an open source version is feasible and how many members in the community are willing to work on it. I know JKI has a great product already but seems like development has come to halt wrt VIPM. Any comments?
  8. I was Googling around on the subject of graphical programming and open source and came across this. I have never seen it before. It looks pretty rough and new, but also very familiar. Seems to be Java-based. I have not yet downloaded it. Has anyone else seen this? Opinions please. http://www.zaluum.com/index.html
  9. Hi Guys, I have an idea, I want to try and promote the various open source communities and highlight top projects as well as guide people on how to work/publish open source code. It's my belief that if we can promote this form of collaboration we can end up with better tools and libraries to build better software. Examples like the JSON library here really make me believe this. As such I've set up a group to try and find likeminded folk on the darkside. If you interested in helping then head over to https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/open-source-labview and we can start to get some ideas together. Cheers, James
  10. I am wondering aboout what type of license to use. LGPL or BSD (or maybe some other). I have read through some old discussions here, but since they are 4-5 years old, maybe something has changed. BSD is recommended here, but it is not entirely clear why LGPL is not recommended. Thanks
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