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Found 3 results

  1. I try to migrate from LV2014 to LV2020. If I try to open Allied Vision Manta_G 145B camera in NI-MAX i get Error 0xBFF6901D "unable to load xml file". IMAQdx Version is 20.6 (RT + Dev). Basler Cameras work fine. I have upgrated the firmware of the cam to the newest version, but it didn't help. I have also installed IMAQdx 21.0, but without success. A Manta-032B works without problems... Any help or workaround is most welcome. Is there any way to load the XML file manually?
  2. Hello to all. First of all thanks a lot for reading this post and being able to help. I have noticed the next problem: My application has a camera, this camera takes images (snap mode) and application process them (detect some edges in the image). It works fine. But when I make the Display bigger my application takes longer to process images (and for me that is crucial). I think that this happens because my application in this case has to process a bigger image (bigger display = bigger image??) So maybe if My camera takes images with lower resolution I solve the problem. So how can I change image resolution captured by my gigE camera? In NI MAX or in Labview? Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi all, I am trying to get images from a GIGE camera connected to the secondary ethernet port of cRIO 9082. I cannot see my camera in MAX. I have installed NI IMAQdx, NI Vision RT in cRIO. I cannot see NI IMAQ server as an option to install if I go to the custom installation page. Is that the problem? If so how do I get it? P.S: I can see that LabVIEW Real-Time 2013 Support for NI-IMAQ 4.9 is installed in my PC Regards, Prabhu
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