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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All, I'm new to LabVIEW and overall programming. I wanted to use a combo box to extract the string and associated value to use later for calculation and presentation. I have come up with this one below, which works fine and is very modular (I can just add the solvent info, and it is good to go with no other change, unlike implementation as case structure). However, I wanted to know if this is good or is there a better (more straightforward) way to achieve the same thing? Cheers, Mahbod
  2. 1: How to get last index, not last element, but last index number of an 2d array? Also 2: say 2d array has contents elephant crow dog goat giraffe eagle cat fly ant pig horse bee How to get that the bee is the 12th or 11th index in the array? (11 if you count elephant as zero index, 12 if you count elephant as first index), meaning I want the index number 11 or 12, not "bee"
  3. Hi everybody, I have a problem with a ring-control in my labview program. The ring has many items (65536) and non-sequential values. I need to find the actual index of the ring array and set a new calculated index afterwards. As I couldn't find a way to get the actual index directly, I started a for loop and compared every "Strings[]"-array element with the "Ringtext.Text"-property. So far, so good. But when I want to set a new index to the ring, I need to use the "Set Value"-property. Here comes the problem: Every time I use the "String and Value[]"-property to get the index corresponding value, labview needs about 10 seconds to build it. Why is that? Labview doesn't have problems building the "Strings[]"-Array. Is there a way to handle the ring index seperatly I couldn't find? Can the "Strings and Values[]" operation be accelerated? Thank you for your time and your ideas. Best, ichsw
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