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Why is LV beeping at me when I try to edit a VI icon?

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When I double-click a VI's icon in the top right corner and I have the front panel open, LabVIEW opens the icon editor without complaints. But when I do the same from the diagram LabVIEW opens the icon editor and it also complains by beeping. Why? Is it ticklish?

I've noticed that too. I agree it's annoying but I guess it's never bothered me enough to file a bug on it...

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I noticed something similar in 8.6. I think it beeps when I go from Run mode to Edit mode for a reentrant VI (the ones that say "clone" in the title bar). Might that be what you're seeing (er... hearing)?

Nope. It beeps any time I try to edit the vi icon from the block diagram rather than the front panel.

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When I double-click a VI's icon in the top right corner and I have the front panel open, LabVIEW opens the icon editor without complaints. But when I do the same from the diagram LabVIEW opens the icon editor and it also complains by beeping. Why? Is it ticklish?

Up to 8.6 I do not have any beep when doing that. I'm using the old style icon editor though.

Rolf Kalbermatter

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