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So I've been playing around with implementing a Memento interface, figuring it could be a fairly useful feature to have in many different kinds of objects. Sure you could use the Flatten to String prim, but what if your class uses run-time resources like queues or DVRs? Wouldn't it be cool to be able to have it automatically generate those runtime resources if needed when you restored a previous state?

So I spend a couple days designing and experimenting with it until I have something I'm happy with. As I'm wrapping up some documentation I think, "Hey, I wonder what does happen if I try to unflatten an object that uses run-time resources?" What do I discover? Flatten and Unflatten have absolutely no trouble at all handling run-time resources in classes. blink.gif Silly me. frusty.gif

"Hey everyone, look at the cool little wagon I built. It's a little rickety and you have to kind of hold the wheel on with your foot if you start going too fast, but it's really useful if you have to go someplace! Pay no attention to that shiney sports car AQ is giving away... this is way better!"


Edited by Daklu


"Hey everyone, look at the cool little wagon I built. It's a little rickety and you have to kind of hold the wheel on with your foot if you start going too fast, but it's really useful if you have to go someplace! Pay no attention to that shiney sports car AQ is giving away... this is way better!"


Yes but what YOU get is knowlege and an insight thatcan serve you the future.

Did I ever tell you about coding up Control references in LV before control refs where released? Gave me a good appreciation of what had to go into control refs.



Flatten and Unflatten have absolutely no trouble at all handling run-time resources in classes.

Well I'm either drunk or stupid, and since I don't drink that pretty much eliminates one possibility.

My original tests must have been invalid. For the life of me I haven't been able to recreate the situation where a class' run-time resources (queue, DVR, notifier, etc.) are automatically recreated when unflattened from a string. Reading the help leads me to believe it *shouldn't* do that, but I saw it work. blink.gif

Persisting objects to disk is something I have not had to do in my own applications so I don't have a good feel for what is and is not possible. My sandboxing has been inconclusive. I know AQ(?) and others have suggested using Flatten to String to store objects, but I don't think I've seen any mention of whether or not it is supposed to create queues, etc. automatically when the object is unflattened. Does anyone with more experience in this area know?

Yes but what YOU get is knowlege and an insight thatcan serve you the future.

If I'm lucky... sometimes I just get confused. wacko.gif


Perhaps I'm missing something, but have you simply tried the write to binary file?

I've been standing on my soap-box around here every chance I get when someone says they want to store 'cluster like' data to disk.

Now I know that this is not exactly what you're trying to do, but it shows how easy it is to save an object to disk.

<a href="http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/dab29e2e-3762-4d8b-872d-18d564aaf030/2009-12-30_0822.png"><img'>http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/dab29e2e-3762-4d8b-872d-18d564aaf030/2009-12-30_0822.png"><img class="embeddedObject" src="http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/dab29e2e-3762-4d8b-872d-18d564aaf030/2009-12-30_0822.png" width="331" height="128" border="0" /></a>

So from what it sounds like you're talking about, I would not flatten to string or anything of the sort. Just write to disk.

There are a myriad of added benefits to doing this. The LV back end handles the situation of the class definition saved to disk is different than that which you are re-populating the object with. Also, you can save an array of differing objects to disk this same way. I know there are a few more benefits, but they elude me at the moment and I gotta run.

Good Luck



Well I'm either drunk or stupid, and since I don't drink that pretty much eliminates one possibility.

My original tests must have been invalid. For the life of me I haven't been able to recreate the situation where a class' run-time resources (queue, DVR, notifier, etc.) are automatically recreated when unflattened from a string. Reading the help leads me to believe it *shouldn't* do that, but I saw it work. blink.gif

Persisting objects to disk is something I have not had to do in my own applications so I don't have a good feel for what is and is not possible. My sandboxing has been inconclusive. I know AQ(?) and others have suggested using Flatten to String to store objects, but I don't think I've seen any mention of whether or not it is supposed to create queues, etc. automatically when the object is unflattened. Does anyone with more experience in this area know?

If I'm lucky... sometimes I just get confused. wacko.gif

I have written/read class data to from file and it worked great. Yes all references to LV resources (like queues etc) need to be recreated if they went invalidi ( I imagine you could get a ref toa queue stick it in a class data write to file read back and it still works if teh queue was kept alive elsewhere).

Re: Writing to binary files

I always imagined there was a flatten to string built-in to the Binary file operations. Is there a difference?



I have written/read class data to from file and it worked great. Yes all references to LV resources (like queues etc) need to be recreated if they went invalidi ( I imagine you could get a ref toa queue stick it in a class data write to file read back and it still works if teh queue was kept alive elsewhere).

Re: Writing to binary files

I always imagined there was a flatten to string built-in to the Binary file operations. Is there a difference?


As far as if the bit files are different.... it's a mix between an elephant and a rhino.


But it's worth checking out. But would there be a reason why you would choose to flatten first requiring 2 VI instead of just writing to disk directly?

Also, I don't know if the smart mutation is handled when unflattening from string.



That's a classic. I learned that as a kid and still laugh. laugh.gif

Except that one time my mother overheard me tell it and she washed my mouth out with soap. sad.gif


But would there be a reason why you would choose to flatten first...?

I know its a subtly different case, but I will often flatten to XML first so that I end up with a data store that is automatically mutating (especially useful when it comes to "preference" objects) but at the same time is human readable / editable*.


*Manually editing XML files can lead to the file getting corrupted so I usually will give a user a UI to change all settings, but it can still sometimes be very useful when debugging an application out in the wild :)


Perhaps I'm missing something, but have you simply tried the write to binary file?

Nope, you're not missing anything. I was. (A good dose of "how to do this.") I ended up removing the flatten to string after I posted the message.

I've been standing on my soap-box...

Wha..? You mean you have one too!? Oh, I see yours is from


I prefer mine...



Yes all references to LV resources (like queues etc) need to be recreated if they went invalid.

This is exactly the confirmation I was looking for. My original test setup must have been wrong; I think I forgot to destroy the run-time resources.

I always imagined there was a flatten to string built-in to the Binary file operations. Is there a difference?

If you flatten the class to a string you end up with the same data that is written to disk when you wire the object directly to the Write to Binary prim. However, when you write the flattened string to disk using the Write to Binary prim it prepends four bytes indicating the string length to the data. If you flatten the object to a string, save it as a binary file, and try to read from the binary file directly into the object it will fail. You have to read it as a string then unflatten it. (Or use the simpler route and skip the flatten to string altogether.)

The LV back end handles the situation of the class definition saved to disk is different than that which you are re-populating the object with.

What do you mean by "handles"?


I know its a subtly different case, but I will often flatten to XML first so that I end up with a data store that is automatically mutating (especially useful when it comes to "preference" objects) but at the same time is human readable / editable*.


*Manually editing XML files can lead to the file getting corrupted so I usually will give a user a UI to change all settings, but it can still sometimes be very useful when debugging an application out in the wild :)

And with your statement we shall all rise up against AQ and smite him down...

Why? you may all ask......


The Flatten Object to XML does not flatten all of the object. ***IT ONLY FLATTENS THE PARTS THAT ARE NOT THE DEFAULT VALUE***

So although it's readable, you can have absolutely NO IDEA what is in the class if you don't know the default value.... which technically you only know IF YOU HAVE LV OPEN AND THE VERSION OF THE OBJECT IT WAS CREATED WITH!!! :throwpc: So having it readable gives you no value whatsoever. and it won't even translate the structure to the XML and just leave the values blank. It just simply omits them altogether. Does anyone see any value now in taking an object and flattening it to XML? I sure as hell don't.

This is a warranted discussion on another thread, but felt necessary to vent here. Sorry about the caps


So you may want to be careful when going to XML w/ an OBJ


What do you mean by "handles"?

Check out the class mutation section of the LV Help file under "Developing LabVIEW Classes"

I have not really pushed the mutation algorithm, but have found it useful for simple additions and subtractions to the private class data structure.


The Flatten Object to XML does not flatten all of the object. ***IT ONLY FLATTENS THE PARTS THAT ARE NOT THE DEFAULT VALUE***

Yep, came across that sneaky little one! :blink:

The work around I used (which while not the "nicest" approach, worked quite well) was to have a field in my class that I would always change. In the case that I'm thinking of right now it was the filename - unnecessary, for the most part, but did come with the benefit of allowing for a "save" versus "save as" type of functionality.

The Flatten Object to XML does not flatten all of the object. ***IT ONLY FLATTENS THE PARTS THAT ARE NOT THE DEFAULT VALUE***

Ohhhhhhhhhhh.... Of course that totally makes sense, although it's not quite what I'd expected :)


Thanks for the explanation. Decisions that on the surface appear odd almost always have valid reasons behind them. Favoring speed and size I think was the correct decision. If a class developer needs more advanced behavior they can implement it themselves.

H) In retrospect, the ability to flatten to XML (and to binary string, for that matter) probably should have been restricted to member VIs by default (author of the class could remove the restriction, just like we did with Create Data Value Reference in LV 2009) so that most classes wouldn't allow this hack.

This is an issue I've run into while developing the memento interface. The whole point of the memento is to allow third parties (caretakers) to store an object's state without allowing the caretaker access to any of the state data. Flattening the memento to a string allows the third party to see and manipulate what's inside. I concluded that if that kind of security is required the object would need to encrypt it's state information before storing it in the memento. Not a great solution.

On the other hand, being unable to save an object to disk because the class designer didn't include SaveToDisk or FlattenToString method could be a huge obstacle when creating applications. What happens when I try to save an object that is composed of several other objects, one of which disallows flattening?

I've been talking to folks about whether or not it is too late to fix this mistake.

My first reaction was, "No, it's not too late. Please fix it." My second reaction is, "I'm not sure it's a mistake." How do other OO languages handle persisting objects to disk? Isn't manipulating the binary string or xml data essentially the same as, say, saving a c++ object to disk and manipulating the binary file?


D) That raised the question of representation of the flattened string. The format of an object saved into the VI and the format of the binary string didn't have to be the same, and we could have chosen different behaviors. But once we decided that objects would include their version number in their flattened representation, it made sense to have the unflattening of binary strings and the loading of saved VIs have the same rules for mutating data. Thus the default value should remain the default value. We now have two options: To not bother saving the flat data when it is default or to save the flat data and compare against the default when we load into memory. The former saves a lot of disk space AND has significant performance advantages. Thus we decided that the Flatten To String primitive, which creates a binary string of the data, should not write down the default value.

Just out of curiosity, was there ever consideration given to the primitive having a context-menu option to offer access to either behavior?

How do other OO languages handle persisting objects to disk?
JAVA has a built-in serialization mechanism that can be privitized if desired. C# has a built-in "to string" but not a "from string". C++ does not have a built-in to or from string. I find that the C# system is the most common among other languages.

Just out of curiosity, was there ever consideration given to the primitive having a context-menu option to offer access to either behavior?

No. That would defeat the entire purpose. It has to be a class-level decision, in the hands of whoever is deciding how much security this particular class needs to have.

Just a thought... but could there be any possiblility to allow "special VIs" for classes kind of like "Ability" VIs for XControls. That way, a developer could specify how a class should behave when it gets serialized, etc?

...oh... I've just realized whilst typing this... this would also open a whole other fun bag of worms - Operator Overloading :ph34r:


C# has a built-in "to string" but not a "from string".

I don't think the .Net ToString() method is meant to be used to save objects to disk. ToString() can be overridden in classes to output whatever the class designer wants. On top of that it returns culture-sensitive strings, such as 1,00 instead of 1.00. For persisting data you would use serialization. I read through the help a bit and C# requires an object to have the [serializable] attribute in order to use the language's built-in data persistence methods. I guess that's a vote in favor of restricting the flatten prims when used with classes.

C++ does not have a built-in to or from string.

It's been almost 20 years since I've done anything in c++, but I thought there was some way to pipe arbitrary data to disk? Most likely I'm just confused...


Just a thought... but could there be any possiblility to allow "special VIs" for classes kind of like "Ability" VIs for XControls. That way, a developer could specify how a class should behave when it gets serialized, etc?

Yeah... I've got a whole set of specs for this, including VIs that would define the class's behavior when wired to the ? terminal of a case structure, defining coercion dots for classes to non-class types, etc. I wanted those back in 8.2, but other things keep getting in the way. There is some limited work being done in this area today that you should see either 2010 or 2011.

Yeah... I've got a whole set of specs for this, including VIs that would define the class's behavior when wired to the ? terminal of a case structure, defining coercion dots for classes to non-class types, etc. I wanted those back in 8.2, but other things keep getting in the way. There is some limited work being done in this area today that you should see either 2010 or 2011.

Awesome! :D

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