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VIs in Subpanels running slowly

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I am working on a GUI that is modeled off of this post by DFGray http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=466872&query.id=526816#M466872 on the NI forums. I am using the same LVOOP structure to create plugins that are launched into subpanels. I have five subpanels on my GUI, each subpanel is a different size and functions are launched into the appropriate subpanel based on their minimum window size. The problem i am seeing is that a plugin launched into a subpanel runs much more slowly than a when it is run by itself, I thought I must have left highlight execution turned on in one of the subVI's. As a test I called one of the plugins, without the LVOOP using the Simple Subpanel shipping example and it loads just fine. This makes me wonder if the problem is either the LVOOP, which doesn't make sense to me as it has nothing to do with the VI once launched into a subpanel, or with having multiple subpanels on my GUI running at once. Any thoughts on this?


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I found the problem, it was a timing issue that had nothing do with how many subpanels I had running at once, i just had the same problem in each plugin.

I am working on a GUI that is modeled off of this post by DFGray http://forums.ni.com...=526816#M466872 on the NI forums. I am using the same LVOOP structure to create plugins that are launched into subpanels. I have five subpanels on my GUI, each subpanel is a different size and functions are launched into the appropriate subpanel based on their minimum window size. The problem i am seeing is that a plugin launched into a subpanel runs much more slowly than a when it is run by itself, I thought I must have left highlight execution turned on in one of the subVI's. As a test I called one of the plugins, without the LVOOP using the Simple Subpanel shipping example and it loads just fine. This makes me wonder if the problem is either the LVOOP, which doesn't make sense to me as it has nothing to do with the VI once launched into a subpanel, or with having multiple subpanels on my GUI running at once. Any thoughts on this?


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I’ve really pushed the limit of sub panels in a LV app, and haven’t had any problems.

I’ve attached an example that uses a grid of sub panels, and in every sub panel I insert an active object of different types.



Nice demo, Mikael. thumbup1.gif

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I’ve attached an example that uses a grid of sub panels, and in every sub panel I insert an active object of different types.

Any idea why the Controls property from Pane 2 returns an array of 84 subpanels when there's only 8 on the screen??



Never mind... I found them. I take it subpanels can't be dynamically created at runtime?

Edited by Daklu
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