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Class Control Icon Not Shown in Run Time

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Here was something interesting I recently came across.

If I build an executable that has a Class Control on it's Front Panel it looks like this:

post-10325-020073600 1282897240_thumb.pn

Initially it threw me off as in the development environment a question mark means broken class etc...

But it is ok, as all the code worked.

I came across it as I was hunting for broken code, and built this SubVI as the Top Level VI to test something in the Run Time.

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I guess the class icons get stripped when building an exe. They seem an unneeded resource at runtime.

Agreed! But tripped me up for a bit tho (I had a broken build)

Nice menubar btw. :-)

Thanks, thats a whole 'nutha story :)

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Actually, I think it's because you've opened the class outside of the exe context, and it can't find it's parent (or something else?) You're right though, when you run your exe it'll work just fine. I had the issue just recently, although I was loading a lot of related classes from disk (with different relationships), and, sure enough, as long as I did a source distribution of the parent, the icon was there. Either way, it didn't matter.

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  • 2 months later...

This is correct. Probably should've just left it blank instead of putting in the ? image. Think it should be changed?

So this is AQ on the RunTime Engine:

post-10515-094987900 1288440794_thumb.pn

Seriously, is it worth a few hours (minutes???) of AQ's time to make it blank?

Since we'll never see a class cube control on a UI of a built exe, I'd say it doesn't really matter if you change it or not.

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Yes, it'll at least stop the level of confusion that lead to this thread.

I am easily confused. wacko.gif

The problem was I was hunting for a weird run-time issue, one that only ended up getting resolved after a full install of LabVIEW.

If I had known about the ? it would have been ok.

But as I didn't I thought there may have been something sinister there.

I am not fussed what happens, but if it has potential to trip someone else up then blanking it would only be a good thing.

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