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How To Resolve LVOOP Locked Library When Only One Instance Open?

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I am experiencing a very frustrating issue with a project that has multiple LVOOP classes. When I open my project and ONLY my project (i.e. no other application instances), multiple classes are locked. The funny thing is when I select the "Why is this library locked?" menu item the dialog states the following:

The library is locked for the following reason(s):

This LabVIEW class is loaded in multiple application instances. Classes must be in only a single application instance to be edited.

I started experiencing this issue after editing the inheritance hierarchy of a few classes and have not been able to find the root cause. A lot of the classes are currently broken because they are missing some required overrides, so I am not sure if this is causing the issue. The problem is I cannot resolve these issues because the libraries are locked! If I open all of the project classes in the Main Application Instance, I get the same locking issues. I can open each class individually, but I don't want to spend more time and effort on development if the locking issue will persist.

Is there anything other than a class being loaded in more than one application instance that will cause it to lock? Because I definitely do not have this situation... Will a broken class cause another to lock?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is quite a serious issue.

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Is there anything other than a class being loaded in more than one application instance that will cause it to lock? Because I definitely do not have this situation... Will a broken class cause another to lock?

Do you have more than one target in your project? A class that is loaded on more than one target is also locked due to the same reason, i.e. due to "multiple application instances".


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Do you have GOOP Development Suite installed?


Do you have more than one target in your project? A class that is loaded on more than one target is also locked due to the same reason, i.e. due to "multiple application instances".

There is more than one target in the project but all of the classes are under "My Computer". In addition, when I look at the LabVIEW Class Hierarchy, everything is listed under the "Project.lvproj/My Computer" application instance.

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  • 1 month later...

Just to add my personal solution to this, as I've stumbled over the same problem, found this web site and a solution while this tab was still open: Go to the bottom left of your front panel, there will be something like "Evalution" or "My computer" or "Main application instance". Switch.

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  • 4 months later...

For future use:

This might happen even in a regular local non real time project. The solution I found was double clicking the class itself from the files view or right click open from the project view. It will open a new window with only the files of that class.

When you close that window, if it was just a confusion LV had then the lock should be released.

The other more common case is obviously when it is not a confusion and you do actually have another project that uses the same class (dependencies or you simply added it to that project and that project is in memory.

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  • 1 year later...
Is there any sensible work-around for this problem? All I want to do for now is change the banner icon of my class, but because it is being used by the Host and multiple RT target it seems to be locked.

Define "sensible". Probably not. You have to close your project, open a project that just has the class in one context, and edit the icon there, then reload your project.


I've explained why this lock exists in other posts on forums; I'm not gong to go through it again here. I thought it would be changed by now, but it hasn't been a priority. If you want NI to fix this, please contact your field sales engineer and convince them to feedback just how much this is blocking your development progress. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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