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XNode and ExternalNode help

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Hey... at least you guys have gotten me to the point of admitting that XNodes even exist. Time was I would have accused you of hallucinations and swamp gas reflecting the light of Venus for believing in XNodes.

lordexod: The XNode tech is reserved to National Instruments for a long list of reasons, not the least of which is that it requires some significant contortions to avoid the traps and pitfalls of working with them. XNodes invoke G code to do their work. There are various operations that are not stable to do while LV is doing certain operations (loading a VI is not always safe, for example, depending on what else LV is doing at the time). As a matter of fact, XNodes have been mostly abandoned by NI for further development ourselves because of their issues. They work great for some things, but poorly (or crashily) for others, and it is very hard to tell in advance whether a given use case will turn out to be the former or the latter. We'd like to have a more complete "G written in G" solution, one that we could release to customers, but XNodes aren't it.

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I usually buy the "it is too complicated for the masses" argument until I try using XControls. Compared to those XNodes are a walk in the park.

Ah, but XControls don't have the potential to corrupt your VI if you do them wrong. There's a big difference between "complex" -- which is a reason to put a good UI on something but not a reason to never release it -- and "flakey around the edges" -- which is a reason to keep it in house.
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Ah, but XControls don't have the potential to corrupt your VI if you do them wrong. There's a big difference between "complex" -- which is a reason to put a good UI on something but not a reason to never release it -- and "flakey around the edges" -- which is a reason to keep it in house.

XControls can lock you out of classes in rather unfriendly ways (and yes this is documented I know but I still think it's not great that the IDE lets one create uneditable items without a bit more effort to stop you...). Still XNodes are fun to play with and a pain in the backside to work with. It's a shame that that is apparently an unsurmountable hurdle, but hey third (or more ? - External Nodes, XNodes, ...) time lucky :shifty:

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Aristos Queue: "The XNode tech is reserved to National Instruments for a long list of reasons...." - Not anymore, but for one reason only. I enabled XNode on LabVIEW, as you can see the screenshots.

"Yes. I do. No, I won't share. " - If you do not want to share or exchange,you will not admit publicly that you have something.

Darin: With this "MathNode" a good job. A little bit I know already what is going on with this XNode.

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  • 1 month later...

AQ's not trying to be mean in denying you internal information on xnodes. First, such documentation was written for internal purposes and as such contains "classified" information. Second, xnodes were not designed as a feature for customers but as an internal tool. As such, believe me!, they are buggy, under documented, flaky, dangerous and unfinished. They are nowhere near a feature we can support and we are not allowed to talk about them. This is not really a "protecting you from yourself" but rather not publishing an unfinished, buggy feature. Maybe someday we'll have the resources to finish and productize the feature. But for now, we are supposed to answer "No comment" according to the lawyers. =)

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Second, xnodes were not designed as a feature for customers but as an internal tool. - I am not a customer.

As such, believe me!, they are buggy, under documented, flaky, dangerous and unfinished. - I did not bother me.

They are nowhere near a feature we can support and we are not allowed to talk about them. - This is the forum, you do not have to speak.

You know what it is "LabVIEW_LabVIEWInternalTag_PKG"?

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