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The 5th dimension


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QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 3 2007, 03:16 AM)

Interesting point of view...

The name for IT is:


QUOTE(purehemp @ Aug 18 2007, 11:21 AM)

Interesting point of view...

The name for IT is:


We are all animals. Denying it has been our greatest mistake, i.e. eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; verbal communication, the tower of Babel...

Last time I was sent to a mental institution, I was proposing the fifth dimension, wich is LOVE, Original Eros, Holy Ghost, Prana or whatever...

I had heard from a friend of mine who's a mater-magician that in Knot Theory all knots are undone in R^5...

So I had the idea of a pentadiensional universe. I sent a letter to another math-friend with this and other lunacies, which he never received...

Now, this past july I was in Boston and was once again sent to the mental-health ward, in the Beth Israel Deaconess (part of Harvad Med .School - yes, I made it to the I.V. League...) and showed it to another patient, who told me that Stephen Hawkins was working on the Fifth Dimension...

I know most of you won't believe it, but I swear on whatever you find sacred that is True.


QUOTE(jccorreu @ Aug 2 2007, 10:26 PM)

OK then in all serioussness....

From what I've seen, sometimes "good" parents have "bad" children, "bad" parents have "good" children, and all other combinations. Which means in truth who would decide something like that is practically irrelevant since it would not have the kind of bearing as we might like. Really what we would like is just to get rid of the people we deem to be undesireable, but then that gets into yet a whole other sticky situation... I mean everyone of us finds undesirable aspects to everyone else, and for different reasons. I don't have an answer, just attempt to look at it from as many perspectives as I get to. I mean look at China's policy of killing the newborns if they have more than what 1 or 2 kids. They'd probably do better to kill the fathers, it'd stop the breeding problem alot more quickly. But then again how many of us can really get behind either one of those kinds of suggestions. I know I don't, even though I make that comment about kililng the fathers.

I've read part of the Republic, and other writings of both Plato and Socrates. I prefered Heraclitus. In truth its been too long, and my recollection of them is minimal. I do recall liking the reading, it really got me thinking. Somethings I agreed with, others I didn't, and some of my opinions have changed in time, while others have remained the same. Same with Confuscious, and Lao Tzu, and numerous others, all around the globe, and throughout written history.

At this point I can say that I'd rather get rid of lawyers and politicians, instead of artists and musicians. But even they can have their benefit.

I believe one of Romes Caesars is qouted as saying something along the lines of "when philosophers are kings, and all kings philosophers, than peace is possible", and its something that for the most part I like. I'd like to add that all scientists should be artists, and all artists scientists, and while I'm at it so should everyone else, be artists, kings, philosophers, and scientists.

As far as differnt forms of government go... any of them could work if people worked better together, if people were somewhat more (dare I say it) conscious. All of them have fallen far short of the mark, because of people. My ideal is a combination of all of them, something like egalitarian, anarchic, utopia. (Ok now for a bit of being a wise-######, kind of) It'd be nice if people just offed themselves when they realized they were not working properly. But if we were that conscious and committed then I doubt there'd be that need.

One major problem I have is that there are too many attempts by people to make other people conform to our ideas. I grew up living in different countries, and I took from it that there are different ways of living life, none are "right" or "wrong", they all have their "pros" and "cons", and that everybody has some piece "figured out" that someone else is missing. Of course people are afraid of letting people have more freedom because they usually relate that to taking advantage of others. I.e. "If I let you do whatever you want, then you'll take from me" But the funny thing is, we all take from each other all the time already. That is part of the intra-action that is nature. It seems to me that there are lots of justifications and reasons, etc.. that people use, and in order to be able to use them they must blind themselves to what is really going on around us, because in truth what we are afraid of is happening in ways already. Its more a matter of taking a concept and then applying our judgements to it, adding something of our making to something we observe, and in so doing failing to recognize how processes are occuring. We get into that trap of "knowing" something, and being "right".

Alfa, you made some statement along that lines of only a few people are capable of knowing god, the universe, higher consciousness, the great spirit, the great mystery, the whole sort of general mish mash, allah, nirvana, brahman, or whatever you want to call it. I disagree. Everyone is CAPABLE, not everyone allows themselves, or makes an attempt.

And as far as what this existence is, how it works, and all the other questions of the ultimate answer... shit! Maybe we can know, maybe we can't. maybe it matters, maybe it does not, maybe everyone can have their own set of answers and still get along with everyone else, or not. I've spent most of my short life attempting to understand. I don't understand. Hell I have fewer ideas that I keep a hard belief in any longer. It seems that the more I learn and experience the more ideas I break down, and I have fewer certainties with which to replace them. I used to believe in physics. Funny that I believe less is physics now that I'm working on a degree in the subject. It's alot less of a "hard" science than everyone thinks, though it is certainly difficult.

ok , enough for now....

I pretty much agree. Actually, life is simple. Thing is we have this big quest to grasp everything with our intellect, which is limited.

Religion, as I see, is a quest for the quest's sake. "as the pilgrim who learns to transcend - learns to live as if the step was the aim" wrote Rush's drummer and lyricist Neil Peart on "Time Stand Still".

I am lucky enough to partake in a religion that makes use of Ayahuasca, a conscience expander.

And yes, the "hard science" are now aware that there's no "outside observer". Carthesian Paradigm is crumbling down.

But I came up with a hypothesis deemed to be ridicularized in scientifical circles:

Love as the 5th dimension. In R^5 all knots are undone, as I was once told.

And the ideal of each person having multiple knowledges is one I share. The segmented model we have now is another form of Labor Alienation, so that each will know a lot about one particular subject but nothing about the rest. That's the Industrial Revolution in Knowledge... For example, I dropped out of Engineering and started Geography, and I heard a lot of physical nonsense...


QUOTE(purehemp @ Aug 18 2007, 03:26 PM)

...For example, I dropped out of Engineering and started Geography, and I heard a lot of physical nonsense...

A true understanding of all things is beyond our capabilities. We have to team up and trust each other to report on their area to the best of our ability.

We are also responsilbe for evaluating what we see hear and read (unless we choose to reamain asleep, or is that "a sheep"). :rolleyes:



QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 21 2007, 07:38 PM)

This week I am at:

the 8th international workshop on differential geometry.

I still have my Nakahara Geometry, Topology and Physics at my book shelf. An excellent book, as far as I still recall. I must admit I've forgotten almost everything I knew of manifolds and differential forms. Enjoy the seminar. Please tell us what are the hot topics in differential geometry this year after your visit.


QUOTE(Ben @ Aug 20 2007, 08:53 AM)

A true understanding of all things is beyond our capabilities. We have to team up and trust each other to report on their area to the best of our ability.

We are also responsilbe for evaluating what we see hear and read (unless we choose to reamain asleep, or is that "a sheep"). :rolleyes:


This is inspiring. It maybe easy/simple to be a sheep (I am just guessing here, maybe sheep thinks his life is more struggling :shifty: ), but since we can think more/complicated as human, so we do have responsibilities. Sometimes some people may wish just living like a cat or pig because it is easy and less brainstorming, but that is excuse and escape responsibilities. :shifty: Hmm, day of the wisdom.



QUOTE(Irene_he @ Aug 21 2007, 04:22 PM)

This is inspiring. It maybe easy/simple to be a sheep (I am just guessing here, maybe sheep thinks his life is more struggling :shifty: ), but since we can think more/complicated as human, so we do have responsibilities. Sometimes some people may wish just living like a cat or pig because it is easy and less brainstorming, but that is excuse and escape responsibilities. :shifty: Hmm, day of the wisdom.


Should be wisdom of the day :shifty:


Don't look at mathematicians as wise people, they are only intelectuals.

It's a top conference on differential geometry in Paris this week.

I didn't see anythyng interesting like application, only a differential geomtry application on body's car from the Mercedes company.

I was thinking to another application too(on prostitutes):

We apply differential geometry on body's car but not on our face for example. Our look is the reflection of our mind, thoughts...

For example are people who are lying a lot like politicians, informants...Because each lie do an infinitesimal, small change on theirs face after a while they 'look' like liars.

Last Friday I applied for an engineer position here at Babes-Bolyai University; I was the only candidate, the director said everything is OK, but Monday said the job doesn't exist anymore(the prostitutes are after me).


I didn't know anything about these 'microexpressions' links, (they don’t have my approach anyway) because I don't have a computer at home(no job); I don't look for prostitutes on internet; from my level of Evolution it's very easy to write about them it's like a flow.

The prostitutes came after me when I start writing about the Canadian government how stupid they are…

In 2005 I didn't have a job and I had my book; because I saw how stupids were people at Honeywell I decided to look for some spiritual editors to publish my book, because I was thinking they will understand I AM CREATING GOD. Going to church I saw Novalis(they work with the Canadian government) the editor for the Bible. I sent to couple editors from Novalis an e-mail, one or two said they are not interested; I sent again the same message to others from Novalis thinking first I sent the message to the dummies. Next day my Hotmail account didn’t work. I asked at Microsoft and the managers said they closed my account because I spammed the Novalis; I didn’t believe I can spam the spirituals editors working with the Canadian government with I AM CREATING GOD. In my book I calculated that only one in 1300 will understand I AM CREATING GOD but I was thinking are some of them at Novalis. Of course the managers from Microsoft are at ‘low level’ that’s why they cannot understand I AM CREATING GOD; they are writing an operating system what in 5 years is obsolete, my book is for 500 years. Another proof that 98% are at animal level is that Bill Gates who is writing obsolete operating systems is the richest man; the aliens think like this looking at us.

I didn’t have a job, my e-mails were gone, was too much and I decided to fight the stupids, the terrorists…writing how stupids are the Canadians on internet. When I came in Romania I saw here is worst then in Canada… After 12 years in Canada because of my third law of Evolution when I came in Romania I saw a different country than was ‘my 12 years old image’.

The problem is where to go, how to escape from stupids? My project Evolution is the solution!

F. Capra wrote The Tao of physics, he didn’t have any new idea but has success and with my new ideas from I AM CREATING GOD, I was thinking people will appreciate, but was too much for them. People need some books like the Bible, the Old Testament from the Bible what is like Spirituality for dummies, Spirituality for stupids, Spirituality for terrorists…

1299 in 1300 people need simple things about spirituality like: God create them, they go to Heaven….


QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 30 2007, 04:22 AM)


F. Capra wrote ... the Old Testament from the Bible what is like Spirituality for dummies, ...

A quick read left me with that impression when I was young. After careful re-reading and analysis for the purposes of finding descrepencies (yes I was young and skeptical) I found that the subtle interdependancies and consistancy accross multiple authors blew me away.

Prior to that I had read the Tolkien Trilogy about a dozen times in an attempt to figure out who had all of the rings now.

What I found recorded in the OT made Tolkien look lame.

Yes there are some very basic concepts expressed in the OT. But there are some very advanced as well.

In fact it was this realization that allowed me to understand one of the proverbs that I remeber as " A wise man goes into his storehouse and brings forth treasures both old and new."



QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 30 2007, 01:22 AM)

QUOTE(jpdrolet @ Aug 14 2007, 05:39 AM)

alfa, June 2006:
97.7% of population are at animal level.

alfa, April 2007:
97.73% of population are at animal level.

alfa, August 2007:
98% of population are at animal level.

So are we at 99.92% now?

QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 30 2007, 01:22 AM)

1299 in 1300 people need simple things about spirituality like: God create them, they go to Heaven….



QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 30 2007, 11:22 AM)

After 12 years in Canada because of my third law of Evolution when I came in Romania I saw a different country than was 'my 12 years old image'.

OK, I know I'm going to regret this, but I have to ask - what is alfa's third law of Evolution?

Does it state that after living for 12 years in one country, your older country will look different? :blink:


It is late now, but I feel that I must share something that I just learned today that makes me understand things to another level.

This past summer when I was back to China, my sister, a very very busy IT company manager who had barely 3 minutes time to chat (you can't image a life like that, nor do I) suddenly called me one day, telling me that I should get a Zhungzi CD. She claimed that since she listened to the CD, everyday life is a lot easier to get by :shifty: .

And tonight, I listened to it and I even skipped the MadTV at 11PM (ET) (Bobby Lee is really too silly :shifty: ). The CD is indeed very good and brighten up your mind. There are so many talks in the CD, here are few points that I got from it:

*Alive is a lot better than dead, no matter how poor and how bad situation you are in.

*Live today, don't try to bother to do things so that you can have a better future tomorrow.

*The happiest people are the middle people like most of us, being poor is hard to be happy (although Zhuangzi himself was very very poor, but still kept high spirit and freedom, that is why he was great, but most of us can't do it. I don't want to live on the street. :shifty: ). But being very rich, wealthy is not happy too.

.... there are so many talks, I feel a lot easier and light by listening to it. I will share more with you when I listen again. (maybe you are not interested in or maybe it sounds another world, I don't know. :shifty: ).



More from Zhuangzi:

1. Don't try to ask WHY. Do things that follow the nature. I felt silly that I asked my parents that if they have ever wondered what is the meaning of life when they were young, my parents said "never thought about it" and they are the happiest people that I ever know.

2. Don't try to "think", Thinking is happening when you are not thinking :-) (well, I hope I understand and translate correctly, but maybe just my way of understanding, you just take it, ok?)

3. ...hmm... I forgot here, something very delightful...

Below is my own theory, I don't know if anyone else has said similar things (big possibilities). But I explain with LabVIEW here:-)

Draw your life with XY graph. Happiness are peaks in LabVIEW XY graph, it is not necessary to have a higher graph amplitude (I mean the overall Y value higher). You can have a straight horizontal line at high Y level, but without peaks it is not happy. So if we go further, you can use the "Peak Detector.vi" under the:

Analyze->Signal processing->time domain->Peak Detector.vi to do some more analysis :-)



Ceausescu the dictator is another proof that 98% of population are at animal level.

Any dictator needs a lot of prostitutes. Low level people want to be part of any system.

My view is: More democracy means less prostitution.

In Romania were more than 4 millions in the communist party, more than 2 millions had prostitute certificate…

Was amazing for me to see that the Romanian communists have the highest rate of success in Occident because of the RESONANCE between low level people (98%);the investors from Occident are working here mostly with communists prostitutes, because those who are coming here are low level people.


QUOTE(alfa @ Sep 3 2007, 12:52 AM)

Any dictator needs a lot of prostitutes. Low level people want to be part of any system.

My view is: More democracy means less prostitution.

In Romania were more than 4 millions in the communist party, more than 2 millions had prostitute certificate…

I want to make sure we're talking about the same kind of prostitutes here.

Do you mean prostitute as in

  1. "a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money," OR
  2. "a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money."
  3. Or both?

Just trying to make sure we all understand whether you believe half the Romanian communists were having sex for money.


Looks like low level people (98%) are waiting for a new book:

Prostitution for dummies

Here are the titles of couple chapters:

The Sutras of Prostitution

Why lying brings wealth and saying the truth brings poverty

Why wise people must be kicked out of the country

Why as president Stalin is much better than Mother Teresa


QUOTE(alfa @ Sep 5 2007, 12:01 AM)

Looks like low level people (98%) are waiting for a new book:

Prostitution for dummies

There's no need to insult me or anyone else. I was just trying to understand what you were saying. And for the record, your reply didn't clear it up at all.


The Romanian prostitutes hate President Bush.

In Romania the communist prostitutes have the power behind the scene because are so many of them.

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