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I too am even more certifiable

Tom Bress

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I took the Certified Professional Instructor training course while I was at NI Week, and I passed! The training is pretty easy if you have previous experience with and enjoy teaching and/or public speaking. We need more CPIs, I recommend it to anyone who is interested and would like to make money teaching LabVIEW (or TestStand, or DAQ, or image processing...).

I hope that NI OOP Cruise thing is wildly successful. Imagine a fleet of NI cruise ships...where do I volunteer to sign up as an instructor? ;)

Oh yeah, first I have to learn OOP... :headbang:


QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 14 2008, 08:45 AM)


The local FSE tells me this type of training is not avialable in Australia !!

Whats up with dat?

As I would be interested to do it

Can anyone confirm?


QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 13 2008, 07:45 PM)

I took the Certified Professional Instructor training course while I was at NI Week, and I passed!

I got my CPI last year at NI week and I am finally getting around to teaching my first LV Basics Class in Grand Rapids Michigan next week.

My second class will be in Oak Brook Illinois 9-8 to 9-12.

I've been teaching people LV for years one on one and now its time to share it with the masses.

I'm excited yet a little nervous at the same time.


QUOTE (mballa @ Aug 14 2008, 11:53 AM)

I got my CPI last year at NI week and I am finally getting around to teaching my first LV Basics Class in Grand Rapids Michigan next week.

My second class will be in Oak Brook Illinois 9-8 to 9-12.

I've been teaching people LV for years one on one and now its time to share it with the masses.

I'm excited yet a little nervous at the same time.

Hey mballa - how cool is it teaching something you are passoniate about!!

I used to teach in academia as a postgrad but I only did it for the cake and at the end of the day did not enjoy it.

I recently had the oppurtunity to do a little LabVIEW teaching and holy cow - its was fantastic!

A) You have a wealth of info to share coz day-in day out you do LabVIEW and when you have spare time you spend it experimenting with LabVIEW /trolling LAVA forums :shifty:

B) You know your subject almost inside out (you know - for that level)

C) No need to stress, its just damn relaxing ties into AB

D) You know answers to querky questions - ties into AB

E) You have a tonne of examples to draw from, ways to explains things, mistakes you made, off-subject topics to discuss, books to references, know examples on the web

F) Lets face it - its just plain fun!

G) And probably the most rewarding - you get to learn so much about yourself and LabVIEW at the same time (hey I thought I knew that, how can I explain that better, damn I didn't know you could do that!!)



Are there any prerequisites to obtaining a CPI? I thought you had to be a CLA before being able to be an instructor.


QUOTE (Bryan @ Aug 14 2008, 06:19 AM)

Are there any prerequisites to obtaining a CPI? I thought you had to be a CLA before being able to be an instructor.

You have to be a CLD.


QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 14 2008, 06:31 PM)

You have to be a CLD.

Or more specifically: you have to be a CLD in the field you wish to teach (Teststand, LV, CVI)


QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 13 2008, 08:45 PM)


QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 13 2008, 08:56 PM)

We do?

Yes, we do. In my last blog post I talked about how most NI application engineers and teachers have at most two years experience, and then move on elsewhere in the company. NI wants more CPIs because CPIs are usually much more experienced than NI teachers. Plus, since most NI trainers are non-certified and CPIs must have their CLDs, CPIs are more qualified to teach. When NI gets requests from companies for in-house training they prefer to send CPIs rather than their own trainers because of the experience issue.

Of course, NI also likes local CPIs since they don't have to fly and house their own engineers around the country. But I was speaking to a well-traveled CPI who lives in Austin while I was at NI Week. Even though NI has to fly him around and house him they still prefer to send him rather than their own people.

I also think it is a community issue. Why rely on NI to do all the teaching, everywhere? NI makes hardware and software, their focus is not application engineering and teaching. Those are things that we, the LabVIEW community, can and should do for ourselves.


QUOTE (Bryan @ Aug 14 2008, 06:19 AM)

Are there any prerequisites to obtaining a CPI? I thought you had to be a CLA before being able to be an instructor.

You do need to be a CLA if you want to teach the Advanced I course.


QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 14 2008, 01:29 AM)


Yeah - that sounds about right :)

QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 14 2008, 01:29 AM)

...at the Advanced course last year your
collegue GB took the course. Someone has cut your lunch!

It wouldn't be the first time ;) So GB has done the trainer training for the OO course? That surprises me as I thought it had only been offerede here in the US and only in the last few weeks... Actually - I've thought of someone much better to teach the course: Mike Holmstrom! He's Mr. Endevo, he lives in Sydney and is the authour of the Endevo GOOP suite - who better to teach the course?! Oh, and he's a top bloke too...

QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 14 2008, 06:45 AM)

Yes, we do.

I'm not so sure - my company has 2 CPIs (I'm one of them) and we've never been asked to teach any courses. Maybe we've somehow fallen off NI's radar? Maybe the courses that NI offers locally can be covered by local junior FSEs? Maybe NI thinks we're crap? :)

Anyway, I'm not sure that teaching NI courses aligns particularily well with our business model, so there may be agreements in place that are above my paygrade... :yes:


CPI was easier to get than CLD. I spent about 5 hours in a TX NI classroom, made a short presentation (about while loops) and went home. I've taught two LabVIEW Basics (I & II) classes. Teaching is fun, not at all like working! The preparation beforehand is a lot of work, though.




QUOTE (jcarmody @ Aug 14 2008, 12:28 PM)

CPI was easier to get than CLD. I spent about 5 hours in a TX NI classroom, made a short presentation (about while loops) and went home. I've taught two LabVIEW Basics (I & II) classes. Teaching is fun, not at all like working! The preparation beforehand is a lot of work, though.



I agree, the training was pretty easy. But that's because of two factors:

1. You need your CLD first, so they don't have to give you any technical training about LabVIEW and such

2. Anyone who has fear of or difficulty with teaching and public speaking would never take the course in the first place.

That second point is key. From talking with the other trainees in my class it was obvious that we all had previous experience with this sort of thing. That makes the training much easier for NI and the trainees.


QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 15 2008, 12:09 AM)


Holdup :!:

When I said Advanced I meant Advanced I (for CLA etc..) not the new LVOOP course.

I actually have http://forums.lavag.org/Learn-OO-at-NI-Week-2008-t11444.html&st=15&p=50091#entry50091' target="_blank">posted whether there is a future course run by Mr Endevo in Australia (presumably over East)

But alas no reply as everybody was at NI week I guess? Or nobody likes me? I am going with the later...

Anyway your right - who better to take the course!

Hopefully it will get rolled out to Aus soon - mind you the cruise looks sweet.

Is this legit? Or has someone been smoking the crack pipe again?


QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 13 2008, 08:45 PM)

I took the Certified Professional Instructor training course while I was at NI Week, and I passed! ...


Heads up: being a "Certified" "Instructor" in anything is worthless if you never actually instruct anyone.


QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 15 2008, 08:30 AM)

You're not the first to say that (in fact, use that exact terminiology) - yes, it is legit :thumbup: One of the awesome things about the gulf there near Galvaston is that it's shallow and warm, so if you fall overboard after a few too many Swan Exports, she'll be right!

Sweet. I might look into it further...

Emu Export's and Swan Gold's it is :P


QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 13 2008, 07:45 PM)

I took the Certified Professional Instructor training course while I was at NI Week, and I passed! The training is pretty easy if you have previous experience with and enjoy teaching and/or public speaking.

Welcome to The Club ;)

I've just hang on the wall two certifications made more than month ago: CLD and CPI.

Last week I've made my first course (LV Basics I i II) in Warszawa, Poland. I hope my students(?) feel also so good like me after those five days :rolleyes: .

About CPI training: my takes place in Budapest, Hungary. Interesting, nice and usefull - this opinion based on (young) academic teacher's perspective. 

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