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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2009 in all areas

  1. Every item added to the error code cluster is a MAJOR increase in the size of every VI's memory footprint. I'd rather see a single Variant and have all of these be attributes of that variant. The allocation space in VIs would be SUBSTANTIALLY less. (Assuming you stay as a cluster... if it becomes an object, well, load it up as much as you want... the top level data size is just one pointer.)
    3 points
  2. Name: NI Web Service Server Submitter: John Lokanis Submitted: 08 Jul 2009 File Updated: 03 Jan 2011 Category: Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet LabVIEW Version: 2009 License Type: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 NI Web Service Server v2.0.0 Copyright © 2010, John Lokanis All rights reserved. Author: John Lokanis LAVA Name: jlokanis Contact Info: Contact via PM on www.lavag.org LabVIEW Versions: Created and tested with LabVIEW 2009 Dependencies: Requires .net 2.0 or higher, LabVIEW 2009 or higher. Description: This Project contains a set of VIs and support files designed to build an installer that will place the 'NI Web Service Server' on a target machine. The NI Web Service Server is a small LabVIEW EXE that runs as a Windows service in the background, keeping all LabVIEW web services running regardless of what other applications are running on the machine. Also included are a few web services that support the following: Getting screenshots of the target machine on demand. Getting VI Front Panel images from any running LabVIEW EXE on the target machine. Getting EXE version information from any running LabVIEW EXE on the target machine. Testing the web service with a simple 'echo' command. Please refer to the included 'NI Web Service Server.pdf' file for a more detailed explaination. Instructions: Build the various components and desired installer, then install to target machine. Use any standard web browser to access the web services. Known Issues: None Acknowledgements: NI Knowledgebase, MSDN Change Log: v1.0.0: Initial release of the code. v2.0.0: Ported to LabVIEW 2009. License: Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (http://creativecommo.../about/licenses) See link for a full description of the license. Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features: please go to www.lavag.org and Navigate to LAVA > Resources > Code Repository (Certified) and search for the "[CR]NI Web Service Server" support page. Distribution: This code was downloaded from the LAVA Code Repository found at www.lavag.org Click here to download this file
    1 point
  3. I suppose my main reason for doing this is that I get a real kick out of having my software used. Making money out of GOOP developer was never my primary motivation for creating it, it grew out of an interest of mine and then into a passion/obsession, I had tremendous fun developing it and it’s a tool I cant live without and I love it when other developers are using it to build their systems. It’s paid for my LabVIEW licenses over the years and put some change into the beer fund, but the market that this tool appeals too though is quite small, smaller still is the group within that market who can afford the tool or get approval to buy it. About 18 months ago I released GOOP Developer free of charge for academic use because there were people out there who wanted to use it for academic purposes but couldn’t afford or get approval for it, so I thought it would be cool to help them out. Another reason is that GOOP Developer has marketing value, it gets people visiting my site which is important now that I’m working towards becoming an alliance member and concentrating on my development services.
    1 point
  4. Use the Run VI method to launch a parallel process. If you need to pass data to the process, create a by-reference object and then the parallel process can access the data.
    1 point
  5. Congrats on the CLD and I want to underscore the book idea. This is something that NI should consider to be a priority IMO. After all the biggest criticism of LV is that it's a "toy" and that's largely because it isn't seen as a real support of OO. The status of LVOOP is now directly challenging that belief and writing the book on it would be a good opportunity for NI to communicate clearly just how capable LV really is. It would also give me a really nice running start at getting on board with it.... Seriously you code develop the code (as you've done) and someone on NI's staff to ghost the text and/or you could team up with someone (like Jim Kring) and do "LVOOP for Everyone".
    1 point
  6. ! The goal should NOT be increasing your total post count, it should be increasing your reputation points !
    1 point
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