This post is just to update everyone on what's happened on LAVA since the initial Forums were setup after the crash.
The forums has been through several upgrades. Each upgrade has fixed several bugs:
Version 3.0.1
Version 3.0.2
Security Update 1
Security Update 2
I also ran a fix to solve the broken download links problem on the LAVA 1.0 content. I found and fixed about 450 broken links. These are links that pointed to nowhere. Unfortunately I can't easily fix the posts that refer to files but don't have links. The problem is I don't have the name of the attachment. I know approximately the group of files that could possibly be the ones but no idea which one unless I open each and every one in that group and see if it relates to the topic. This is a daunting task. Right now, just keep reporting those (with the "report this post" button) so at least we know which posts they are.
We are also working on the RSS feed duplicates issue. The RSS feeds code was a modification that we paid to get implemented on top of the original code. It seems that it's a little buggy so we've asked the author to help fix this. I'll keep you posted.
All the code repository submissions have been attributed to the correct authors and we have had some new submissions. Please continue to submit code and give feedback to the authors on their support threads so they can make improvements and fix bugs.
The Gallery has had a bunch of photos from NIWeek09 and we have the user interface category back up and running. Please submit cool LabVIEW UIs there.
Also don't forget that the LabVIEW Wiki is still operational. We still need help adding content.