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In my experience the terms "reference" and "pointer" are often used interchangably. How are you differentiating the terms? They both essentially do the same thing--they refer to a location in memory that contains either the data of interest or the next memory location in the chain. Having parallel wires refer to the same piece of memory is done all the time with refnums, be it named queues, events, fp controls, etc, so it's obviously possible. Branching a DVR results in two parallel wires referring to the same piece of memory. Is this a limitation of dataflow languages in general or specific to Labview's implementation. Obviously there are still aspects of dataflow I don't fully understand. Data on the parallel by-value wire has to exist somewhere in memory. It don't get why a pointer to that memory location would not be meaningful. It would violate the principle of data flow, but there are lots of things within Labview that do that already. --------- Many Hours Later ----------- I had to look at this for a long time. When I first read it I envisioned all sorts of weird schemes under the hood that used the upstream prim to modify a value after it has been sent downstream. Here's a summary of the conversation I had with your alter-ego, Evil AQ (pronounced "evil-ack"), in my head. Evil AQ explained a lot of things to me, but I question his accuracy... you know, what with him being a figment of my imagination and all. (Note: My conversations with Evil AQ tend to be rather caustic.) Me: "Huh? The prim that created the value is what actually performs operations on the value downstream? That implies that rather than the data being passed around between prims, the data remains with the orignating prim and downstream prims are passed to it. How... odd. That seems kind of like functional programming. I thought you used C++ under the hood." Evil AQ: "No you dolt. That wasn't a comment about perpetually persistent primitives. Look, when have you ever seen a value on a wire change? Me: "I see it all the time. Wire an integer through an increment function inside a while loop. The value on the wire changes with each iteration." EAQ: "Let me rephrase... when have you ever seen a value on a wire change without that section of code executing again? Me: "Well, the value on the wire has changed after going through the increment node." EAQ: "Uh uh. That's a different wire. Another rephrase... when have you ever seen a value on any single wire, defined as all branches starting at the source terminal and ending at each destination terminal, change without that section of code executing again? Me: "Never. Duh." EAQ: "It's good to know you're not a complete maroon. This would be tougher to explain if I were restricted to finger paints and monosyllabic words." Me: "Monobillasic... monosymbolic... monosy... what?" EAQ: "Never mind. What would happen if you had a raw pointer to a value on a wire?" Me: "I could have Interfaces!" EAQ: "Slow down there Flash. Think about this for a minute. What would happen to the value on the wire?" Me: "Ohhhh... it would change." EAQ: "Very good. You pumping a full 100 Watts through that brain or is your dimmer switch turned up a little too high?" Me: "What about control refnums? They change values." EAQ: "There's a reason they're called 'control' refnums. They refer to controls, not wires. Control values can change. Wire values cannot." Me: "Oh. Right. Well queues can change the values of items that exist somewhere in memory. What about them?" EAQ: "Yes, but they are changing the value of an item the queue refnum refers to. They are not changing the value of the queue refnum itself, which is what actually exists on the wire." Me: "I see. But in reality by-val wires don't contain the data itself, do they? If they did memory allocations would take place at the moment the wire branches and I've know that's not right." EAQ: "Correct, wires do not contain the actual data." Me: "It actually refers to data that resides elsewhere in memory, right?" EAQ: "Sort of correct. Wires don't refer to a piece of data so much as they refer to a specific terminal on VIs and primitives. A terminal** is essentially something that can define the values of a piece of data, such as a control, indicator, constant, etc. and includes input and output terminals to prims." (**Evil AQ didn't know the correct terminology for this so he used the word 'terminal.' Luckily I knew what he meant.) Me: "So shouldn't it be possible to create a refnum that simply refers to the same memory location that a wire does? Ha!" EAQ: "Well yes, but it won't work in the way you're thinking. Try looking at it this way... by val data exists only in terminals. Wires are simply a graphical representation of how the terminals are mapped to each other. Ostensibly every time data "flows" across a wire a data copy is made and placed in the memory location that represents the destination terminal. While in principle you could have a refnum that refers to the same data the wire 'refers' to, effectively it would be just like a value property node for one of the terminals. (It doesn't matter which one, since they all contain the same data values.) That scheme would consume LOTS of memory, so the Labview compiler is smart enough reuse memory when it can. For example, since all the terminals a wire connects to must contain the same data values after executing, the memory locations that are represented by the terminals are actually pointers that refer to a single piece of data. Sometimes the memory location of that data can be reused by other terminals further downstream. Sometimes it can't. Ironically, obtaining a reference to that memory location is one way to guarantee it can not be reused." Me: "Really?" EAQ: "Well yeah. You're referencing the value in the terminal, which doesn't change until that section of code executes again. If downstream operations change the value a new copy must be made to avoid corrupting the old copy, which you have a reference to." Me: "I get it now. Thanks Evil AQ. You're the greatest." EAQ: "You sound like my mother. Now beat it punk, I'm trying to sleep." So did Evil AQ do a decent job of explaining things to me?5 points
I know I'm way behind the rest of you on using DVRs, but today my quest for the Holy Grail (also known as Interfaces) hit another stumbling block. So all this time I've been playing around with DVRs I've been working under the assumption that the New Data Value Reference prim simply created a pointer to the object wired to its input. Based on some testing I did today it looks like the prim wraps the entire object in a DVR. The end result is that an object can be either By Ref or By Val, but apparently there is no way to have a reference to a By Val object that exists on the block diagram. For example, operations such as this will always create a copy of the object. Since the New DVR prim doesn't output an object is it really impossible to have a 'pointer' to an object? (Suddenly all the discussion about containing private data in a DVR makes much more sense.) [Rants follow... pay no attention to them. They are a result of my momentary frustration.] I was *this* close to having an easy-to-use Interface framework that would have worked with By Val objects and avoided the need to wrap the class data in a DVR. (I hate having to use initializer VIs just to get an object to work correctly.) I assume it was designed this way to try to prevent race conditions. I understand the reasoning but I still get frustrated by a development environment that at times seems unable to decide how much it supports references. Labview is kind of in a middle ground where it doesn't quite follow the pure "everything is data" idea but also doesn't fully support references, leaving it difficult to work with either. [/Rant] Back to the drawing board. I've been resisting the DVR data wrapping but it looks like I'll need to go that route. It's unfortunate--converting a class to implement Interfaces is more complicated if DVR data wrapping is required vs the method I had envisioned. [Edit Aug 2, 2010: Early non-working versions removed. Get released version here.]1 point
A bug? Only sort of. Yes, it's abug, yes it makes LV unstable, but, um... no, it is unlikely to befixed. This is documented somewhere but I can't find it at the moment. If Iload A.lvclass in AppInstance 1, that same piece of data cannot be usedin AppInstance 2 because if we close AppInstance 1, the class leaves memory, which wouldleave the data in AppInstance 2 without a class definition which wouldcause LV to crash the next time you copy, delete or access that data.(in fact, this crash is what's bringing down your VI, but we'll get tothat in a moment) and because the A.lvclass loaded in AppInstance 1 might not bethe same as the A.lvclass loaded in AppInstance 2. One might bec:\A.lvclass and the other might be d:\A.lvclass, and they might nothave anywhere close to the same definition. Applying the assemblyinstructions to copy one an object of the first class might createcompletely corrupt objects if applied to objects of the other class. The only correct way to shuffle object data from AppInstance 1 toAppInstance 2 is to flatten it to string and unflatten it from string.This happens automatically when the two AppInstances are on differentmachines -- the objects are flattened to go across the network. Thishappens automatically if the wire type is LVClass and not variant, evenwhen the two AppInstances are on the same computer. And it happensautomatically for variants when the two AppInstances are on the samecomputer if you wire a port number to the Open Application Instanceprimitive. However, it does not happen automatically when you're using varianttype to transfer the class data and the contexts are on the samemachine and you didn't specify a port number for the Open App Reference. Why doesn't it happen automatically? Because LV would have to flatten and then unflatten every variant as it crossed the context boundaries on the off chance that there's a class buried somewhere inside -- in the data, in an attribute, in a cluster of array of cluster of variant's attribute, etc. When I put that code into LV, performance of many many apps went way way way down. It seems that many scripting functions, editor extensions, etc, grab data across the boundaries. That's a real problem for LV classes, but I've got no way to detect it (even just testing for the data type at runtime was too much of a performance hit). As I said, this is documented in the shipping docs somewhere, and I know I've typed this up before.1 point
What you are asking for is not possible, at all, in a dataflow language. A raw pointer to data on a parallel by-value wire cannot be constructed meaningfully. Ever. That would completely destabilize LabVIEW's parallel architecture. The whole point of a data flow wire is that *nothing* other than the upstream primitive that created the value can modify that value. Nothing. If you have raw pointer access to the data on a parallel branch, you will almost always create wholly unpredictable behavior or a crash, with the crash being highly likely. We fully support references. We do not support pointers at all. But you don't refer to a piece of the block diagram. You refer to an address in memory. That other, parallel wire, does not refer to that piece of memory. It refers to its own piece of memory.1 point
New version available: Version 1.6: [New Feature] CTRL Key will show the color picker while the text tool is selected. [bug Fix] Mouse coordinate drawing in icon was off by (3,3) pixels (the picture control edge thickness). Get it here. PJM1 point