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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2009 in all areas

  1. François, Paths in LabVIEW have always considered \\server\share to be an atomic unit. I rewrote several low-level path functions in LabVIEW and found that strange. Windows is the only platform in LabVIEW that supports this concept (called UNC paths, at least in LabVIEW code). Asbo, you're right. I missed that when I rewrote those functions. I'll look into that. I'll look into that. I think if I fix the behavior that Asbo is talking about, the crashes should go away. Thank you so much for bringing this up.
    3 points
  2. After 9 years of being a CLD, and fending numerous "I thought you already were a CLA" comments, I finally decided to take the plunge. I have to admit that I have a much greater respect for the Architect community; that exam isn't exactly a walk in the park. Well, it's done, I passed, and now I have a lovely certificate. Suitable for framing or wrapping fish.
    1 point
  3. If you right click on the project name in the project tree, there is an option to "Find Items With No Callers".
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I have been thinking about how I will use LVOOP with beginning programmers that will work with me. I will use LVOOP and not any other OOP because LVOOP is by value, comes as part of LabVIEW and is not an add on. Then I will introduce the LabVIEW class. This leads very naturally to using the LabVIEW project and version control. Anyone that works with me needs to be able to use Subversion and the project so I will introduce them on the first day. I will provide a well structured project that they can check out and we will create a child class. Then I will spend time over the next months teaching the LabVIEW that is necessary to create the members of the child class. This will be the same non LVOOP with the following differences (there are probably more that I am not yet thinking of): instead of type definitions we will use the Class ctl private data, I will use Xcontrols early on, I will avoid functional globals. We will use libraries but the important features of libraries will be learned through the class which is a special library. I expect that after a year no one will be able to build a program on their own, but they will be able to build a class including the Xcontrol. They will see how the class fits into the class hierarchy that I provide, and they will be able to see and understand many of the decisions behind the higher level design patterns that I am using. They will effectively use the project and version control system, and will have an understanding of using unit testing. I will be creating the test code for their classes, and providing feedback after nightly builds of all software. My goal is to get programmers to reduce my workload by producing quality, maintainable, tested code that I can use. I expect that their outputs will be child classes and Xcontrols. However, I agree with you about needing to make things beep! To do this I will be providing the project that can already has a great deal of interesting functionality. The beginning programmers will add the specific (or at least parts of the specific) functionality to make the project hum. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. I've managed this. It deleted 100 files in only a few seconds (and put them in the Recycle Bin).
    1 point
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