Yep, if it autogenerates a palette for the entire project it would be just as cumbersome... but with the added benefit that I can pin specific palettes and have VIs from different parts of the project at my fingertips at the same time. That may or may not work well in practice; I'd have to try it out.
What I would really like is a true dynamic palette--a buffed up Favorites palette that works via drag-and-drop and allows subpalettes. When I drag a vi from my project folder on the palette the vi becomes part of the palette. If I drop a class or library, all subpalettes are automatically created and populated. And if I were really cheeky I'd ask for the palette to be associated with a project and automatically load when the project is opened.
Is something like this even possible via scripting? I have not done much scripting and I haven't dug around trying to figure out how the palettes work at all. I'm pretty sure there aren't any hooks available to automatically save and load the project palette with the project itself, so I guess it's a good thing I'm not that cheeky.
I had that installed once but never used it. Maybe I'll load it up and try it again. I will say constantly moving my right hand between my mouse and keyboard gets annoying. It's one of the few things that really annoys me about Labview that doesn't have a solution.
I think I remember some discussion about that. Did you ever make it public? I didn't see it in the CR, though there is another entry that appears to do something similar.