I have in the past few months steadily worked on a network library for LabVIEW with following features:
- Be as close as possible to the functionality, operation and semantics of the built in LabVIEW library
- Support IPv6 operation
- Support SSL encryption
- Support ping operation right in LabVIEW (through use of raw sockets)
- and of course be better than the built in functions
The included library does most of these things already but will need some more work over the next few months to fully have all these features. As such it is clearly in a preliminary state and not yet ready for released software. Please be adviced that this library will cease to operate after end of June because I expect to have new releases out there before that time.
In spite of the preliminary state it does work and does do already quite a few things and it even implements the LabVIEW TCP read modes exactly as the native functions.
I have included an OpenG package of the library. To install it you best use the VIPM application from JKI Software as it will take care to place everything where it should be.
Due to some features I'm using it will be necessary to restart LabVIEW after installation of this library in order for the library to work properly.
When installed you should see a new ESI-CIT logo in the main function palette and in there a network icon. In that network palette are all the new and exciting functions. The functions have for a large part already some online help information inside, which you can see by opening the floating help and hovering over the icons or front panel control elements.
I'm working on an online help file to install along with the library but it is not yet finished. This help will also outline some of the more low level operations which at the moment may appear a bit obscure.
This release is only for Windows 32 Bit systems. Sorry to the Linux and Macintosh users but porting such a library is a true pain in the a** and especially for the Macintosh I'm not yet sure how to go about it, as there are several ways to skin that cat
The library will work in LabVIEW 7.1 and newer versions.
So to be clear, the question/answers are:
"With a string, how do the modes differ?" Not at all, the mode setting is ignored.
"Is there a difference in behavior of individual versus aggregate comparisons for scalar values?" No, the mode setting is ignored
For any class that is in memory (and a never saved class is obviously in memory), just do "name of class" + ":" + "name of class but replace .lvclass with .ctl" and wire the resulting string to the Open VI Reference primitive. Voila.