Mattias, I can see that you have rewritten lot of the code, but from scratch....
It’s of cause just by coincident controls on the front panel have the same pixel coordinates, e.g. like this:
..or that the connector pane are almost identical, e.g. like this:
I’ve got the question if Symbio has stopped the development of GOOP Development Suite(GDS), and if AddQ has bought the rights of the framework.
But I like to inform you all that, that is NOT the case.
Mattias and his colleagues left Symbio (former Endevo) to join a new company called AddQ.
Symbio will release a new version of GDS with our version of DVR class template at NI-week.
If you want to check out and try our proposed DVR template have a look here:
Symbios DVR template
..or check out this video.