I would agree with that sentiment if you would say something like "Mikael is an active member, he's a friend, he came before, etc., so I'm going to keep using GDS regardless because he deserves it". That's a legitimate stance.
I would also agree if you say "they took advantage of their work at Endevo and that's not something I want to support". That's also legitimate.
I don't agree with that sentiment if it means accusing them of stealing code without having pretty concrete proof. Maybe they did (they say they didn't, and I'm personally inclined to believe that), but I would want some damning proof of it.
Also, just to clarify, since some people seem to have gotten the wrong idea from my bolded text - I'm not upset or angry. I just wanted to clearly get my general point of not rushing to judge people without having enough info. This applies in many places in life. Here endeth the lesson, children.