There is a little trick I found out about a little while back.
You can register a UserEvent with a callback VI
What this means is that every time you fire a user event, a VI gets asynchronously fired.
Now I thought this had a lot of potential because finally we could start a VI running asynchronously and pass it parameters w/ out needing to use crappy VI server methods.
The problem is that the Fire User Event node, which up until this point, under all conditions, ran asynchronously, now is blocking, waiting for the Callback VI to complete.
See this video
<a href=""><img'>"><img class="embeddedObject" src="" width="889" height="401" border="0" /></a>
Well this dashed my plans for world domination, but it seems to be that this behavior is wanted in your case.
Attached you will find the Main and Callback VI that demonstrates this. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this tactic.