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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2011 in all areas

  1. But true decoupling in a software architecture sense is only achieved in this real-world example if your new boss knows you exist but does not know what you do or how or how much you earn. In a software world, 100% decoupling is not achievable without having two completely independent pieces of software. As soon as both rely on a common interface (messagine protocol) there is inherently a certain amount of coupling present. So in a real-world sense I think the discussion about "full" decoupling is a discussion without any merit unless it's purely rhetoric. Even sharing data structures introduces a certain level of coupling between two modules. As with server up-time, squeezing the last few fractions of a percent of perfection (decoupling vs up-time) requires exponentially more effort. 99% decoupled software costs a WHOLE lot more time and effort to program than a 90% decoupled software in the same manner as a 99% reliability of a server is in a different ball park to 90% reliability. When it comes to decoupling, there are ONLY grey areas. Just my take. Shane. PS Here's a cool qoute from Wikipedia on the subject: "No couplingModules do not communicate at all with one another."
    2 points
  2. It's just tu pun together some pics from this topic and little bit more... So we already saw that wires may go diagonally: Then that they may have almost any shape: Michael showed us how execution dots propagates on such wires: Link Sources for creating such wires here. Now I'm getting crazy. Sit down, fasten your seat belts, hold your breatch and watch this. Although it does not run too fast (no more than 10 fps on my computer) but Jing slowed it down even more, so in real everything happens much more smoothly. If you would like to play with this: controls or nodes which have labels are fixed to backgroung. Don't change damping too much. Don't put too much objects on BD. Always wire both inner and outer terminals in tunels. Sources attached. spring-wires.zip
    1 point
  3. LAVA just got moved to a new faster, bigger, more stable, server (that's what she said!). If you see any issues, please report them here: http://lavag.org/for...edback-support/ And now for something totally random. Build a medieval arch using computer monitors:
    1 point
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