Thanks for that positive story.
Actually it is hard to believe the attitude of text-based programmers looking at a graphical code as a kind of 'toy'.
I work in a very thight interdisciplinary team. When we talk about electronics, we look at the schematics and not at text. If we need a mechanical construction, we also look at drawings. And whenever we do design some optics, we have beams, surfaces and lenses drawn. And when something is measured/characterized, it's also graphically plotted.
So really weired to do text-based software.
Here I would disagree. There is a very important difference between data-flow languages and all other languages.
At first, this is a bit hidden in the compiler (there are some good explanations in wikipedia, and of course some pretty detailed issues posted mainly by AQ):
In a text based language I can write
where the data before and after this operation is stored at the same memory location.
In LV you can't. Each wire (upstream and downstream of the +1 prim) is pointing to a unique memory location.
This data flow paradigm has sever consquences:
Parallelism is nativ
We have a duality of by-val (native) and by-ref, while text based compilers are limited to pointer :throwpc:/by-ref.