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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2012 in all areas

  1. This is not really a question of the LabVIEW ActiveX interface but really a feature of the language used to call the open reference. In LabVIEW, references are closed when the top level VI stops running (in most cases). Even if you used the LabVIEW ActiveX interface to open a VI reference, that reference would be closed when the VI stops running. This is not because it is a VI reference, but because LabVIEW closes the ActiveX reference. In C or C++, references are only closed by the user explicitly closing. TestStand is written in C++ so this is the case they are in. C# uses garbage collection so a reference would stay open as long as something still remembers the reference. This could be equal to a thread being running if the reference is stored on that thread's stack but more frequently it is independent of threads. It is usually about a method returning which allows its locals to be collected or a static data structure whose value contains the reference.
    1 point
  2. John Lokanis and I ran into Michael and Justin from JKI at the airport. They're walking through the terminal, bags trailing behind them, and I blurt out.... "You guys just arriving?" Good job Dave... here's your sign.
    1 point
  3. Follow summit topics live here! Attendees: please include the #CLASummit in your tweets!
    1 point
  4. And, of course, I'm sitting here, writing this feeling VERY jealous.....but you all already knew that. Have a great time and post about it.....
    1 point
  5. Here is an interesting talk by Bret Victor. He has designed experimental UI concepts for Apple and others. To me its interesting to see how text based languages could catch up to LabVIEW's graphical style and even exceed it with instant visual feedback. Its also interesting to see how the IDE in any language could be improved. The video goes much deeper than programming languages and delves into life principals. Well worth the watch.
    1 point
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