If it works. It's good.
There are many ways of doing things and whilst there are "accepted" solutions to common problems; "Smart" is subjective. Your only objective was to "sequence" the drive shutdown since LabVIEW is inherently parallel, and there are a lot of ways you could have achieved that.
For example. In addition to your solution, you could also have wired the error terminals on the express VIs to outside the loop (a very common way of sequencing VIs). or for that matter, the 0. You could also have OR'd the STOP boolean to the selector. Worry about "smart" when you know where all the things are in the palettes, you've got a few utilities in your toolbox, written a few programs and been on some courses.
This program is the "first pass" (your prototype, if you like). I can guarantee you will be revisiting it making it "smarter", prettier or more flexible.
The stop button in the IDE is for the developer only. In deployed applications, users should not have access to it since it circumvents shutdown procedures by stopping the code dead. Never give the user any opportunity to do something you are not expecting otherwise he/she will!