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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2013 in all areas

  1. JKI will be releasing VIPM 2013 for the Mac soon. If you want to try a preview release, you can download it here: https://jki.box.com/s/d3ux8pknhu39znpc0re8 It supports Package configurations, building, repositories and The LabVIEW Tools Network. All the same cool stuff that the Windows version has. The power of LabVIEW allowed us to use the same code base for both Windows and Mac versions which was pretty awesome. Let us know if you have any issues.
    2 points
  2. We all know that Quick Drop is a good tool to make you faster, and in combination with shortcuts, you’ll be even faster. To get all LV developer in my team to use the same shortcuts, I push the same shortcuts to everyone, but how do you remember all the different shortcuts? To solve that I made a small Quick Drop Practice application, feel free to play and modify it so it suites you. And if you have time to improve it, upload your version :-) How it works: It reads your current QD BD Shortcuts, and adds them to an array. It then opens an empty VI BD and asks you to drop a VI (e.g. Build Array), on the BD. If you haven’t figured out the shortcut within 5 seconds, it shows the shortcut so you can memorize it. After it find the right VI on the BD, it deletes it and moves to the next shortcut. Have fun. QD-Practice.vi
    2 points
  3. AHH VI.lib just got password protected!!!! just kidding. thanks.
    1 point
  4. My job is to make sure my team works faster and more efficient, and also have more fun, I just need to add some high scores as well then we can have a competition :-)
    1 point
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