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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2013 in all areas

  1. I have added a link to this post to the CAR, and indicated that we should prioritize this over some of the other CARs I've filed about moving private stuff to public/scripting.
    1 point
  2. The Vision Common Resources install is FREE and allows you to use the IMAQ image control in your application. You don't get any image processing but it is fine for loading images and displaying them with all the ROI tools. I believe the only bit you need a license for is IMAQdx...
    1 point
  3. Right. so that's a "no" then In an exe,paths are different from development as the executable filename is included. Additionally, you placed the DLL in the data directory and there is no appending of the data directory in your path code. To test, replace your path code in the image with an "Application Directory.vi", append the DLL name, and make sure the dll is in the same directory as the exe. This will ensure that when you build an exe, the dll is being picked up from the application directory regardless of how paths to VIs and libs mutate. NB: "Application Directory.vi" gives the path to the directory in which your project file resides when in the development environment.
    1 point
  4. How about adding a captcha to the "create lavag account" that shows a LV BD and asks a CLAD-type question?
    1 point
  5. I didn't think they did, but I was pleasantly surprised when I looked this morning. Here is the same property for the Tree (saved in 2012), also only available in 2012 SP1 and later. tree_FocusItem.vi Edit: Turns out the "Focus Item" property of the TreeControl class is only available in LabVIEW 2013 and later. My previous statement that it was available in 2012 SP1 is incorrect.
    1 point
  6. There are some private properties you can use in LabVIEW 2012 SP1 and later that allow you to set the focus row of a Listbox or Multicolumn Listbox programmatically. Whenever you programmatically change the value, if you also programmatically change the focus row, it should behave in the manner you're looking for. I had heard the behavior was fixed natively to the controls in LabVIEW 2013, but it appears to still be an issue that we have to workaround programmatically. This VI (saved in LabVIEW 2012) contains the private properties you would need. Again, these properties were added in 2012 SP1, so they're not available in an earlier version. Oh, and it was a top woman, not a top man, who added these private properties for us. Focus Row Properties.vi
    1 point
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