I was mucking around in General Error Handler.vi today and noticed a weird subVI with a really intersting comment inside. Thought I'd share it with the crowd, since it applies to time-critical processes, thead swapping, and general compiler insights.
You know you can customise this to whatever suits you right?
Edit CLSUIP_LocalizedStrings.vi in LabVIEWresourceFrameworkProvidersLVClassLibraryNewAccessors and change the Write and Read to whatever suits you. Don't forget to right-click-->make the value default on each of the string controls after you have changed it, and then save.
Only pain point here is that it has to be done for each new LV installation
For the CLD you can use whatever reasonable architecture you are comfortable with as long as it is a state machine type of architecture. No stacked sequence structures with a dozen unlabeled sequence locals!
I don't have access to LabVIEW at the moment but as I recall you have two loops and each has it's own event structure and you communicate between the two with user events. I think that should be fine but the architecture that is probably more preferable, or at least more common, is the producer/consumer. You have one loop with an event structure that sends messages to the second using a queue. That second loop sends messages back to the first loop using user events.
If you want to get some attention here on Lava just use a class for something simple like timing and make the claim that your solution is object oriented
Have you tried asking for feedback on the NI forums?