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  1. Sorry for the late response. You are using by reference classes therefor you need to use the Create not just the Class Constant. Cheers, Mike
    1 point
  2. Yeah, I've done it a couple times so I could easily bolt different user interfaces onto my app. (I'm terrible at making UIs look nice so I prefer to let others do that part.) UIs are the most apparent place they can be used, but there are other places where they can be useful. Acquired data usually goes to more than one place... a data logger and the UI. In some situations it might make sense to wrap your data collection component and expose it as an Observable object. (The observed object is usually called the "Subject") It does add a lot of abstraction so it can be very daunting to those not familiar with the concept. After implementing it a few times now I only use it when I am reasonably certain there will be 2 or more observers. If there's only one observer I use a SlaveLoop object instead. It's far easier to understand and the SlaveLoop can easily be wrapped up in an observable class later on if additional observers need to be added. Publish-Subscribe vs Subject-Observer Here's my (quite probably incorrect) understanding of the differences between these two concepts: In a publish-subscribe system, the publisher doesn't know how many, or even *if* any, other components are receiving the updates. It just sends out messages for whoever happens to be listening. Subscribers attach and detatch at will without the publisher knowing or caring that these things are happening. It's a true 1-to-n broadcasting mechanism. In a subject-observer system the observers "registers" with the subject, who maintains an internal list of all observers. When the observer doesn't want to receive status updates anymore, it notifies the subject it wants to unregister and the subject removes it from the internal list. I think of it as n 1-to-1 links. (These definitions seem backwards to me. When I subscribe to a magazine I have to notify the publisher if I expect to ever receive anything. And when I'm watching if I were ever to watch a cute girl crossing the street from the safety of my 3rd floor office, I certainly wouldn't run down there and tell her I'm observing her. But hey, who am I to go against convention?) As near as I can tell they both meet the same high-level goal. One object, the publisher/subject, updates many other objects, the subscribers/observers, when something interesting happens. The differences seem to come out in how they are implementated, and to some extent, what kinds of things you can do with them. Still, I see a lot of gray area between them. I'll compare them using an example of a watchdog timer component that fires every 100 ms. Publish-subscribe (PS) systems are--in principle--easier to develop. A very simple implementation is to create a loop that sends a user event when the timer expires. The publisher defines the user event data type and has a public "Get WatchdogTimerUserEvent" method that returns the user event refnum. To start receiving status updates, subscribers simply use that method to get the user event refnum and register their event structure for it. Contrast that with a simple subject-observer (SO) implementation that preserves a 1-to-1 link with each of n observers. Each observer is going to have a unique user event refnum (or queue, functionally it doesn't really matter) meaning the subject has to maintain a collection of all the UE refnums internally so all observers can be notified. Managing the collection and creating new user events every time "Get WatchdogTimerUserEvent" is called is going to take more code and add some amount of complexity to the app. So if PS is easier to implement, easier to understand, and does the same thing as a SO system, why would anyone bother with SO? There are a few reasons why I prefer it over PS, even though it takes more effort to implement: 1. Done correctly, SO is more robust than PS. PS exposes a single user event refnum to all subscribers. If one of those subscribers happens to incorrectly destroy the refnum *all* subscribers lose their connections. In SO, each observer only has access to its refnum so it can't disrupt communication between the subject and other observers. 2. Subject can self-terminate when they are no longer needed. Usually the components I consider for SO will have observers for the duration of the app. That makes it very easy to write self-terminating code that triggers when there are no observers remaining. (It's quite handy and one less thing for me to worry about during shutdown.) Producers will continue to exist until something explicitly instructs it to terminate. 3. SO systems can use queues for passing messages. PS systems must use user events. Writing apps where some components use users events to send messages and some components use queues to send messages is kind of ugly. In the general case clients need to create separate loops to service each of the queues (to make sure one of them isn't ignored by excessive messages to the other) and then forward the messages to a single common loop. There's nothing inherently *wrong* with writing an adapter loop to translate user events into queue messages; I just find it more convenient to use a single messaging technology. Anyone else have other insights into the differences? Like I said, I don't know if my explanation is correct... it's just an explanation that makes sense to me (except for the backwards definitions) and helps me differentiate between them.
    1 point
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