This crossed my mind again recently so I figured, why not make a VI that makes OpenG VIs inlined? So attached is just that. Don't get me wrong it doesn't inline all VIs that'd be crazy. So what I did was opened each OpenG VI, then look at what VIs can, and can't be inlined, and if they are inlined do they have uninitialized shift registers? If so then they should likely have the Preallocate for reentrant clones, instead of Shared.
I also modify all OpenG VIs to turn off debugging, and automatic error handling. In the zip is also a VI I used to verify find all broken OpenG VIs. This can be used to see if any new broken VIs are made, after making these inlined changes. For my OpenG setup there are 4 broken VIs that are supposed to be broken, and after running my Modify OpenG I still only have those 4. I don't know if there are other unintended changes but I haven't seen any yet. If you use this and find any issues please mention it.
Opening each OpenG VI and looking for what can and can't be inlined I noticed that many of the ones that can't be inlined, are due to using local variables, where a constant (or type def constant) would work for getting the type. I also saw some instances of using the expression node when native math could be used. And I saw a few times where the conditional disable structure could be used instead of a property node. Even so all of the array functions can be inlined.
If you do use this I recommend backing up your OpenG library, in case something goes wrong. Or you could just uninstall/reinstall with VIPM I guess.
Modify OpenG VIs For