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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2015 in all areas

  1. The way I interpret some of that stuff is that state isn't evil, its the combination of state and action. For example, consider the difference in labview between a subVI which includes an uninitialized shift register vs one which simply takes data in (from wherever), processes it, and returns a result (to wherever). The second is a whole lot easier to understand, to prove correct, and to test. There is still state, its just been moved up a level or two or.... Also, I personally found this paper interesting and very helpful in understanding those functional programming crazies.
    2 points
  2. I am constantly amazed that some ideas were prescient in hindsight but rejected in their time for more mainstream alternatives. The sands of time covering their bones for an archeologist to piece together later. Luckily, the internet is an excavator I was watching a video called "Is it really "Complex"? Or did we just make it "Complicated" because I've felt for a number of years that the whole idea about using frameworks is really a dead horse flogging exercise because we can't innovate out of a rut. Anyway. During the video there is a throwaway comment that semaphores had a superior alternative called Pseudo Time. Wait. What? Non deadlocking semaphores? Well. Perhaps, perhaps not. The only reference I could find was a paper written in 1978 called Naming and Synchronization in a Decentralized Computer System by David P. Reed. In there he talks about an alternative (NAMOS) to mutual exclusion A.K.A. critical sections around shared resources, rather than semaphores specifically, but the real gold is his definition of the reliable and self recovering synchronisation of unreliable shared resources. In a nutshell, he's talking about synchronising across cloud servers and blockchain forks and any other distributed computational system you care to design - in 1978! This is a bit more than non-deadlocking semaphores, I think. So why am I posting. Well. a) Has anyone ever heard of this or any superseding research (links would be great) and b) Has anyone got any LabVIEW examples?
    1 point
  3. Although the concept of Statecharts is old, I think, that still not many people know it. Most of LV users are engineers and scientiests who get their 'software engineering' knowledge (like me) while working, when it is required and not from computer science courses where this concept is a basic one. I think NI would have to make a move in order to make them more popular.
    1 point
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