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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2015 in all areas

  1. Well if you say its function is not interesting, I'm more than happy to believe you. But!!! You didn't comment on the fact if the LvVariant is byte packed, in which case access to the pointers in there would incur quite a performance penalty on at least all non-x86 platforms, or if the structure uses natural alignement, in which case your calculation formula about the size would be in fact misleading. Note: Seems the structure uses at least on Windows x86 the standard LabVIEW byte alignment, that is byte packed. All other platforms including Windows x64 likely will have natural/default alignment. But your documentation is definitely not completely correct. The LvVariant looks more like #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { void *something; // maybe there is still a lpvtbl somehow char flag; // bool void *mData; void *mAttr; int32 refCount; int32 transaction; void *mTD; } LvVariant; #pragma pack() This is for Windows x86. For others I assume the pragma pack() would have to be left away. Also I checked in LabVIEW 8.6 and 2011 and they both seem to have the same layout so I think there is some good hope that the layout stays consistent across versions, which still makes this a tricky business to rely upon.
    1 point
  2. LvVariant is a C++ class. There is a reference count in the variant object, but I wouldn't expect it to come into play here... can't say for certain. When a To Variant primitive executes, LV does "newVariant = new Variant()". Then newVariant.mTD is assigned the data type object -- this is an object with its own fairly complex structure itself. Then the data on the wire is top-swapped into the variant's "newVariant.mData" field (To Variant's input is a stomper so LV has already guaranteed that the data is independent of any other parallel branch and is thus free to be stomped on). There's also an mAttrs field that the attribute table, which is left as null unless/until an attribute is added to the variant. LvVariant does not have any virtual methods so there is no vTable on the C++ object. But the actual data size of the LvVariant class is (1 + sz + sz + 4 + 4 + sz) bytes, where sz is 8 or 16 depending on how many bytes a pointer has on your system. The data is in the first of those pointers. The reference count is the first of the 4 bytes. There's also a transaction count -- the second 4 byte number -- which is unused within Labview.exe and is exported apparently for use with flex data -- you can basically ignore that. You'll never be able to change out the type descriptor -- that's the final sz in the size. Those are refcounted C++ objects that you have to go through the constructors to instantiate. So you could in theory change out the data within a variant, provided you started with a variant that had the type descriptor you needed already in it. You would need to either top swap (swap, not move) the data into the variant or copy the data in, depending upon whether the source data is stompable. A variant claims right of destruction over the data pointer it contains. Don't know if any of that helps you.
    1 point
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