These are going to all become private functions in the near future. I am only going to have a few functions available to the normal user. This is my general plan for a library. (Complete C program or Library going to disk as DLL ) (Overwrites if name is same as previous compiled code)
Mode (Memory, Exe, Dll) required
Program name/name of exe or dll (String) required
Code (String) required
Error in
Error out (Set if not compiled and string with why) (Collection of functions) (Overwrites if name is same as previous compiled code)
Library name (String) required
Code (String) required
Error in
Error out (Set if not compiled and string with why) (List compiled programs and library functions)
Mode (Programs, Libraries, Library Functions, All Library Functions, All)
Library Name (String)
Error In
Names (1D array of strings) (Programs names, libraries, or library functions in "Library_Name.Function_Name")
Error Out (Runs Programs using argc argv or none at all)
name (String) required
Arguments in (1d array of strings)
Error in
Program Return (int)
Error out (Requires the function prototype, return type, and data in)
Inputs (I am thinking about this one)
name (String) Required
Return Size (int) Required
Prototype and data (1D Array of Cluster(Data type(u8) ,value(var))
Error In
Program Return (1d array of bytes of size return size)
Error out (Remove program, Remove Library, Remove All)
I'll add preprocessor and other functions for adding dlls and such later. But I want it simple and sweet. No libbitcoin (C++) but libccoin or picocoin.
I like the check for a zero on the pointer, that could save a lot of debug time.
No clue why I used an int for the pointer.
I see DSNewPtr and DSDisposePtr but no MoveBlock. I remember the GetValueByPointer xnode and being burned because it wouldn't compile. Hmmm it compiles now Still no poking unless you use moveblock. Do they have some look but don't touch policy at NI?
This reminded me of Dr Cold hands at MEPS. We were told to bend down and spread em. Then Dr was going to take a peek and if the Dr didn't like what he saw he would take a poke.
I have a dream that one day Call Library Function Node will accept function pointers rather than just a path.