See this new video on youtube. I modified the demo so that 'Instrument' is running on a separate project behind a TCP server, with 'Top Level' connecting as a client via a Remote TCP Messenger. I also showed the use of an 'Address Watchdog' to shutdown 'Top Level' if ‘Instrument' disconnects.
Here is the code (start the server first):
Messenger TCP
Messenger TCP
I think I forgot to mention it in the video, but note that the Client project does not load the code of “Instrument", and the Server Project does not load the "Top Level" code. Thus, nothing is locked and you can edit freely (this is a problem in some architectures). This is done internally by the TCP server/client actors by keeping all reply addresses in flattened form on the remote target. If you use custom probes you will see most replies or registrations become something like "Route back to QueueMessenger and then to Flat", which is confusing but means "send back to the TCP actor running this connection, then via TCP to the remote system, and then to this address (unflattening it first)". Please note that only Reply Addresses are converted; you cannot send an address as data in a message and have it work on the remote system (attach it as a Reply Address instead).
Please note that I have yet to do a Real-Time project with Messenger Library. I do have a current project using modified TCP actors to communicate with a non-LabVIEW client from another developer (using JSON messages), but that isn't the same. So please don’t be afraid to ask for help or to make suggestions. Please see if you can run this example with ‘Instrument' on the Real Time system.
-- James
Actor Manager for this TCP example. Note that the 'Control Server' actors are entirely unmodified, and have no knowledge that they are talking to 'Instrument' via TCP. Because everything is by message (no DVRs, no Action Engines) it is easy to convert things to remote operation.