d) Nothing to do with LabVIEW.
I think this is very valuable work but useless from a LabVIEW for Engineers point of view. This is really just showcasing a (zero day?) exploit that will hopefully be addressed in the next update and the "feature" will disappear. I would have preferred a responsible disclosure of the exploit and I expect this will get very little love from the community as I would guess that outside NI R&D the number of people that even understand it, let alone could leverage it, can probably fit in a small family car.
It is, however, a splendid example worthy of DEFCON and CeBIT for demonstrating attacks on the niche language called LabVIEW. Hopefully we will see DEFCON videos of LabVIEW RT and PXI boxes being pwnd and machines taking peoples arms and legs off. Maybe then the malaise and complacency around security in the LabVIEW community might be eroded somewhat. To be honest, I expected this sort of thing a while ago but I guess we are only now reaping the benefits of the academic licences
Keep exploiting while I go for some more popcorn . I'm sure there are a couple of eyes on this work just itching to marry it with self expanding VIs