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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Note: G Code Manager is now available at GitHub: https://github.com/veritechpl/gcm G Code Manager GCM is a tool that makes the properties of Project Items in Project Explorer window more accessible, removing unnecessary waiting times and modal windows. In runs in window next to the Project Explorer window and shows the items properties immediately after selecting new item in the explorer. GCM also allows you to create your own plugins to access those Project Items! Requirements The package was built in LabVIEW 2014, it should also run in LabVIEW 2015. How to start In the Project Explorer window click on the Tools menu, then select G Code Manager -> Run GCM… Download IMPORTANT NOTICE This tool was made using some internal LV APIs which are not fully tested and documented It is in very early stage when it comes to stability It may cause LV to crash! I strongly advise using source control - if you're not using one, do not even install this tool! (Above statements are really for your own good - I'm using this tool in my everyday work and I don't have any major issues. However, you might accidentaly clear your VI description or icon, or something like that, so be prepared for it by using source control like SVN or Git to revert the changes). Current Version Version Download: veritech_labview_code_manager- - Added GCM settings screen - Added option to automatically open GCM with the project Older Versions Verstion Download: veritech_labview_code_manager- - Interface cosmetics. Smaller window size - GCM remembers last selected plugin for the project item type - Dock button added, which makes GCM window always on front - Added support for build specifications: EXE, Installer, RT Exe, FPGA - Added VI Window Properties plugin (beta) - Added VI Execution Properties plugin (beta) Version veritech_labview_code_manager- - Icon Editor: Added "Default Font Settings" which sets the font to 8 pt, centered, capitalized. - Fixed the synchronization issue between plugins (icon edited in Icon Editor was not updated in Basic Documentation). - Added new incoming events for plugins to better handle items selection/deselection and plugin activation/deactivation (see the attached documentation) Note: The plugins API was changed in this version. If you've made your plugin in previous versions, please refer to the updated documentation. If you have any problems, just contact me Documentation: GCM.pdf Version veritech_labview_code_manager- - Added Icon Editor for VIs, which currently allows editing the icon text or clearing the icon completely Documentation: GCM.pdf Version veritech_labview_code_manager- See this document for more information: GCM.pdf
    1 point
  2. The main difference that I see is that the I/O buffer sizes are set to 4096 before the first VISA write. I suspect that they are doing this because of the problem described here: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/60DDFED7EFEFE7188625705700750821 You can add "VISA Set I/O Buffer Size" to the "Open Serial Session.vi" of the Modbus Serial Comm Tester (located in the init case). I imagine that this would have a negative impact on performance so you should increase the timeout to 1000ms. Also it looks like they use function code 4 to read address zero. So you should try using "Read Input Registers" to read register zero.
    1 point
  3. I've just uploaded new version 1.10 (see the updated first post). It comes with new plugin - Icon Editor, which currently allows to clear icon and edit its text: I'm using this quickly edit my class members, when I don't have time to create fancy icons with glyphs. You can always double-click on Icon to open native Icon Editor. At this moment I see 42 downloads of the first version, which is great But I'd love to see more feedback from you! If you have any comments, issues, propositions, requests, questions, or you just like it/don't like it, or you don't know how to use it, let me know by commenting here!
    1 point
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