Sure thing, attached is my Post-Install. It will look at all MNU files installed, and look for any files that share the same name as the XNode, and replace them in the palette, with the actual XNode call. I add a suffix to installed VI files so my Post-Install only looks at the name before the _ suffix, because the suffix isn't added to XNodes by VIPM. It has a few OpenG dependencies, so if you are making a package be sure and add those to the dependencies list, so that they will be installed before trying to run the Post-Install VI. Oh and you'll want to open it and resave it, I back saved to 2012 and assume paths to the OpenG library might be messed up.
As for the reply, some of the abilities describe being able to be called, here is the description for the GetTerms4 ability:
But as for a formalized list, I just don't have one. Here are a few other string values I've seen put into the Reply and have things get called.
UpdateImageAndBounds, UpdateTerms, GenerateCode, Initialize, this list just comes from seeing what others have done.
Post-Install Custom Action Replace XNodes in