Version 1.0.0
Document Generator v1.0.0
Copyright © 2011, Mark Smith
All rights reserved.
Author: Mark Smith
LAVA Name: mesmith
Contact Info: Contact via PM on
LabVIEW Versions:
This class is used to generate a single summary document for any folder containing LabVIEW elements (controls, VIs, projects, classes, or libraries (lvlib)). It recursively traverses the folder structure and reads the documentation from all VIs (including custom controls) and the documentation attached to all front panel controls. The class uses that information to build a document in HTML, RTF (rich text), or plain text (ASCII) formats.
HTML is the preferred format, since this is the only format that includes lvclass descriptions and also supports the creation of a hyperlinked table of contents (TOC).
The user can choose to
- use short or long formats - the long format includes the descriptions on all front panel controls
- Include or exclude custom controls from the document
- Include or exclude private members of a class or library
- Include or exclude protected members of a class or library
One might choose to exclude private and protected members if the intention is to create an API document for the class or library
- enable or disable a dialog that warns that an existing html file is about to be replaced by the Document Generator
Installation and instructions:
Unzip and open the Document Generator.lvclass
The is an interactive interface for creating documents. The provides an API if the user wants to programatically call this utility. They can be found in the Public->Methods virtual folder.
Known Issues:
Any documentation read from the source elements (VIs, controls, projects, etc.) is treated as pure text. There is currently no provision for escaping characters that might be interpreted as control characters in HTML.
Version History:
v1.0.0: Initial release of the code.
Distributed under BSD
See link for a full description of the license.
If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features:
please go to and Navigate to LAVA > Resources > Code Repository (Certified) and
search for the "Document Generator" support page.
This code was downloaded from the LAVA Code Repository found at