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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2016 in all areas

  1. This article does a good job at narrating the author's journey from being an OOP enthusiast to an FP advocate, and helps us understand his feelings and frustrations. However, it does a poor job at illustrating OOP's actual shortcomings/pitfalls. Let's have a closer look at the author's arguments. Inheritance: The Banana Monkey Jungle Problem This is a strange example. It's like an OpenG author who decides to reuse some OpenG code (say, Cluster to Array of VData__ogtk.vi) by copying the VI into his project folder, and then is gobsmacked to discover that he needs to copy its subVIs and their subVIs too. This shouldn't be so surprising, should it…? Anyway, it sounds like his main gripe here is with excessive dependencies (which is influenced by code design too, not just the paradigm), yet his stated solution to this problem is "Contain and Delegate" (a.k.a. composition). Sure, that eliminates the class inheritance hierarchy, but I don't see how that helps reduce dependencies. It feels like he's trying to shoehorn the "You need composition!" message into every problem he listed, just so that he can argue later that inheritance is flawed. Inheritance: The Diamond Problem Yes, this is a real issue that can trip up the unwary. However, the author claims that the only viable way to model a diamond relationship is to do away with inheritance ("You need composition!"). He disingenuously ignores the numerous inheritance-friendly solutions that can be found in various languages. Inheritance: The Fragile Base Class Problem Yes, this is a real pitfall. This is his most solid point against inheritance. Inheritance: The Hierarchy Problem His main point here is, and I quote, "If you look at the real world, you’ll see Containment (or Exclusive Ownership) Hierarchies everywhere. What you won’t find is Categorical Hierarchies…. [which have] no real-world analogy". I'd like to hear from someone who has implemented a HAL (or someone who's a taxonomist). Would you agree or disagree with the author's claim? Encapsulation: The Reference Problem This is another bizarre example. His logic is akin to, "An LVClass lets you have a DVR as a data member, and it lets you initialize this member by passing an externally-created DVR into its initialization VI. Therefore, an external party can modify LVClass members without using an LVClass method. Therefore, LVClasses don't support encapsulation. Furthermore, attempting to prevent external modification is inefficient (and perhaps impossible). Therefore, the whole concept of encapsulation in OOP is unviable." This is a huge stretch, IMHO. Polymorphism His main point here is, "You don't need OOP to use polymorphism". This is true, but is not a shortcoming. Also, the author paints a picture of interfaces-vs-inheritance. They are not mutually exclusive; they can be complementary as they serve different use cases.
    1 point
  2. I'll be there doing the photography again! Hopefully Martha can make it this year too. I'll try to post a link to last years photos here too.
    1 point
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