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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2016 in all areas

  1. I would check the "specify path on diagram" and try passing the path into the CLFN node and use a conditional disable structure to pass in the extension (or hard code it to only support Linux targets). Best practice would be to create a subVI with the constant so that you use the same path for all instances.
    1 point
  2. The command line option only works if you know no other versions of LabVIEW are currently open. LabVIEW communicates over DDE to other versions of LabVIEW, and that is why some times you'll see LabVIEW try to open the wrong VI in the wrong version. If you double click a VI, or open it over the command line, it may choose to open it in the wrong version even if the command line specified which version to open it with. Here is a post I made on it a while ago and many other applications (like VIPM launching LabVIEW, and LabVIEW version selection tools) suffer from this issue. The work around is using the technique I've mentioned. But if you can ensure no versions of LabVIEW are running, maybe by closing them all, making a VI that runs when opened is much easier.
    1 point
  3. New Videos were added this weekend. A few came out fuzzy so I overlaid the presentation slides where I could. Thanks to my fellow Champion Intaris or shoneill for recording the additional videos.
    1 point
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