Okay after testing out a few things and being confused on why the last upload didn't, work I think I know your problem. So the demo is primarily setup to work on localhost. If you wan it to work on a remote system you need to tell the web publisher what your local IP address is. I left a comment on the block diagram next to the Publish function stating:
"Here we can use the external IP address, in case computers on the network are trying to access this page. Unwired is localhost and will only work from browsers on this computer."
So what you need to do is wire from the IP to String, to the Host Connection terminal on the Publish function. In my setup I also use port 80 not 8080, but I tested using XAMPP on IE, Firefox and Chrome on another computer.
The reason I left this unwired is you may have multiple NICs and I didn't want to assume the IP address you want to use, is the one returned by the IP to String function and wanted you to be able to specify it. Maybe in another update I could have the configure dialog ask for these settings listing the IPs found by performing IPConfig