@The Q I don't know how difficult it would be, but I feel like it would be 1000x more effective if the wiki was hosted on lavag itself. While I agree that a wiki is a good choice, having yet another place to go for LabVIEW content, might fragment the community even more.
@hooovahh @Michael Aivaliotis Or any other Moderators, Do you guys have any insight if it's possible/easy to add wiki functionality to the Lavag site?
Here are the VIs we use for Windows authentication and domain groups.
Validate Username and Password.vi takes the username and password and returns a TRUE if it validates against the domain controller.
User in Group.vi takes a username (or current user if left blank) and a Domain Group name and returns TRUE if the user is a member.
User Groups.vi takes a username (or current user if left blank) and returns an array of Domain Groups to which the user belongs.
We only use these on our internal network, so I can't guarantee they work in every situation. Still, they may give you a starting point if you need something similar.
P.S. LabVIEW 2010sp1
User Groups.vi
User in Group.vi
Validate Username and Password.vi