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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2018 in all areas

  1. I’m hoping to add some sample projects to my “Messenging” package, and I thought it would be easy and instructive to rework one of NI’s templates, “Continuous Measurement and Logging”, as it is already somewhat actor-like with three communicating modules. Attached is a (back-saved for 2011) copy of the NI project, with my version included (run “Main.vi” for the original, “Main.lvclass:Actor.vi” for my version). I kept the basic functionality the same, but couldn’t resist changing some of the UI (in the old code, “Main” controls the UI; in the new code, published state messages from the Acquisition and Logging Actors set the UI). Continuous Measurment and Logging with Messenging.zip Any comments appreciated. Is this example less clear than the NI original? Why? How could I improve it? In particular, is code like this (the most complicated interaction, I think) understandable without heavy documentation? It’s a “Start Logger, then Start Acquisition, then Unset the Busy Cursor” three-actor chain message: I’m thinking of making a “Send Chain Message” subVI (that accepts arrays of addresses and message labels) to replace the above code. — James
    1 point
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