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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2019 in all areas

  1. One possible option with a bad hardware driver is to make your actor an independent exe, using the NetworkMessenger for communication Then you can kill the entire exe and restart cleanly. I've never done that, though.
    1 point
  2. Hi Max, Recovering from a stuck hardware actor is often impossible, as it is some dll call that is stuck and LabVIEW cannot abort the call. Nor can the dll be reloaded without restarting the entire application. However one still needs to recognise and report the problem. I use the "Timeout Watchdog" recently added to the library. The main actor uses that on the handling of some message that periodically comes from the hardware actor. Now, another unreliable actor is one that handles potentially large blocks of memory. An out-of-memory error will abort the actor, invalidating it's address, and you can use an "Address Watchdog" to notify Main. In that case you probably can restart the actor and recover.
    1 point
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