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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2019 in all areas

  1. I've exported the OpenG sources from Sourceforge SVN to Github. It's located here: https://github.com/Open-G I'm hoping this will encourage collaboration and modernization of the OpenG project. Pull requests are a thing with Git, so contributions can be encouraged and actually used instead of dying on the vine.
    4 points
  2. It is good to finally see some movement in OpenG. Git and GitHub are also the right choices (Bitbucket would probably also work). Even novice programmers will be able to participate this way. 👍 That said, the current repository has a few problems: No tags No branches All projects in one repository Changed commit messages (the links in the commit messages are non-functional) It is possible to transform an SVN repository into a Git repository while maintaining all tags and branches and updating the committers (because Git uses email addresses and SVN doesn't). Here are some instructions I used in the past for such jobs (instructions are for Linux of course): https://epicserve-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/git/svn_to_git.html For OpenG this process is a bit more complex because of the way the repository is structured (i.e. tags inside folders for each project), so the scripts must be adjusted to take this into account. I also suggest splitting the project into multiple repositories during this process to improve maintainability (unless there is a reason why it needs to be one repository). I could prepare the scripts to automate this process if you are interested.
    3 points
  3. The simplest way is to add "@users.noreply.sourceforge.net" to make them valid addresses that don't collide with any existing GitHub user (GitHub and SF both support these). It should be sufficient for this task. Here is my version: https://gist.github.com/LogMANOriginal/c4109873a5d524387d3fb46f5b83aa0a I agree. From what I can tell the reason it didn't work correctly is because each project has its own branch/tag subfolder. None of the standard systems support these (including git-svn). Find below a solution that can handle them. Done, see below. Sorry, my explanation wasn't very clear. My point is, that the original commit message actually doesn't have these URLs inside (see SF vs. GitHub). It was probably added during the Atlassian conversion process. Here you go: https://gist.github.com/LogMANOriginal/fa1e59703c41e27758bcb935f15bea21 The script must be placed in an empty folder next to 'authors-transform.txt'. It must be marked as executable (runs in bash, not sh). svn and git must be installed of course. Then start the script via './openg_import.sh' and it should work (unless it breaks of course). It does a few things: Lookup all projects, branches and tags Import all projects into dedicated Git repositories Cleanup the Git repository (i.e. tags are imported as branches, so they need to be fixed) The output are 39 bare git repositories, one for each project with full history, branches, tags and commits. Enjoy 😉
    2 points
  4. As a package consumer I would like to be able to subscribe to packages so that I get notified when a new version is available.
    2 points
  5. As someone contributing code on LAVA, I would like to see the certified LAVA repository packages made available through the GCentral package search tool.
    2 points
  6. I followed these instructions: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migrating-overview I did that because my goal initially was to export to bitbucket, which I did. Then I changed my mind and decided that Github would be better for a community project like this. So then, since it was already in a Git format it was simple from within the Github website to select "import" and just point to the Bitbucket URL. Note: Those instructions work best if executed from a linux machine. I quickly spun-up an Ubuntu VM to do this.
    1 point
  7. As a company that uses LabVIEW and has it's own existing internal repository for reuse code, I would like a way for my developers to discover packages in G Central and in our private reuse repository, all from a single portal.
    1 point
  8. As a community member and package consumer I want to support your efforts.
    1 point
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