Oh yeah I forgot about that. This is the Salt that gets applied to the MD5 of the password. Starting in 2012 NI started salting the block diagram passwords. The salt that gets applied is something like the number of all String, Path, and Numeric controls connected to terminals. I think this does go into clusters and arrays so the work actually needs to be recursive. This ends up being a 12 byte salt, but I think 9 bytes are always 0.
Of course you don't need to do all of this, to figure out what the salt is. I mean all you need to do is guess three numbers, all of which are the number of controls on a terminal so you know that the value will probably be small. So when I wanted to figure out what the salt was I would just keep guessing until a match was found. It was easier than trying to look into the VCTP block to find all objects, and then all terminals, and blah blah blah. If you have a VI that is passworded correctly then the only unknown in the equation is the salt. I mean lets use this example equation (note that the actual one is different):
Result = MD5(Hash 1 + Hash 2 + Hash 3 + Salt)
In a valid passworded VI I can pull out each of the variables from the VI other than the salt. So I just made a VI that sets salt to 0,0,0, then 0,0,1, then 0,0,2, etc, until the equation matches.
Fun story: Years ago we were in a meeting with a few LabVIEW champions and LabVIEW R&D and the discussion of protecting intellectual property came up. Someone was asking NI about ways they could tighten up their security. I made a suggestion of encrypting the password with the number of string terminals in a VI, knowing that this was something NI already was doing. Another LabVIEW Champion said that was a bad idea since that could be figured out by simply opening the VI and looking at it. I had to inform them that I said that knowing that that scheme was actually used by NI, and I put that out there to subtly let R&D know we know about it.