Hello LAVA-ers!
If you haven't heard already, the CLA Summit 2020 will take place in Budapest on March 24th to March 26th. You can read more and register here: https://events.ni.com/profile/web/index.cfm?PKwebID=0x94716776a&varPage=home .
This year we have an Open Source Session dedicated to the people who want to show their projects and encourage the collaboration. The rules are simple:
Contact either me (through private message or email: piotr.demski@sparkflow.pl), Thomas McQuillan (who's also wrote about it on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6628225386339803137/ ) or Anastasiia Vasylieva (anastasiia.vasylieva@ni.com)
You'll prepare three minutes presentation to showcase your project (we'll provide you with two-slides presentation template to fill most important info)
(optional) We also have a poster session, so you can prepare an A1 sized poster to display at the Summit (please also contact us if you're interested)
I know that not everyone here is CLA and is able to come to the Summit, but I encourage you to submit your project anyway. We'll compile all the presentations into one document and we'll distribute it in the LabVIEW community. So it's also a good way to promote your project!