Oh you're drugging up more of my old complaints. WebVIs were to me the most important bullet point to use NXG. Today almost all of my non FPGA code is written to work on Windows/RT/Pharlap/Linux/Mac. I try to do my best to not lock it down to an OS as some arbitrary limitation. So when WebVIs came around I figured I'd just think of it as another target, and the same VI for Windows can be used for WebVIs...nope. New file extension, and various limitations. The reason for this is that the controls on a WebVI aren't the same controls as Windows. The WebVI controls are HTML5 compatible controls that look and behave as closely as the Windows-only counterparts. Almost 2 years ago I was told that NI was moving toward having both platforms use the same control technology, thereby making them more compatible with each other...but well that apparently hasn't happened yet. My specific complain is that in current LabVIEW I can go to Tools >> Web Publishing Tool and create a HTML file that allows me to view and control a VI running in Windows or on RT without having to write any code. Yes it is very limiting on the browsers it supports, and it has issues. But in a couple minutes I can be controlling a VI running on any non-FPGA target from a computer on the network. NXG can do something similar, but there needs to be lots of code to handle communication. And updating one application means having to update the other.
Another thing you touched on was the front panel UI. Ugh. Okay so I harp on the fact that we are missing System Controls every chance I get. NI usually pushes back and is like "Well why do you need system controls?" Most likely trying to gauge the importance of it. I say: Look at most LabVIEW front panels and you can know right away that they are written in LabVIEW. I don't want that. I want a program to just look like a normal native system looking program. And when the software is installed on a new system, my application will use those new system looking controls and now look native to that system. Look at how old and drab LabVIEW UIs look, that is why I want system controls. The majority of LabVIEW UIs look like they are old and stuck in the early 2000s. I had one person from NI say "But NXG is new and fresh and modern and doesn't look old". And I said "Well for now, but in a few years all NXG programs will have the same problem, they will all look the same and dated by the new UI standards." And here we are.