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  1. I think CallInstrument() is more promising although the documenttion I found seems to indicate that it is an old function that is superseded by something called C Interface in LabVIEW. But I haven't found any information about that new interface. /* Legacy C function access to call a VI. Newer code should consider upgrading to use the C Interface to LabVIEW. */ /* Flags to influence window behavior when calling a VI synchronously via CallInstrument* functions. The following flags offer a refinement to how the former 'modal' input to CallInstrument* functions works. For compatibility, a value of TRUE still maps to a standard modal VI. Injecting the kCI_AppModalWindow flag will allow the VI to stack above any Dlg*-based (C-based LV) windows that may be open as well. Use kCI_AppModalWindow with caution! Dlg*-based dialogs run at root loop, and VIs that run as app modal windows might be subject to deadlocking the UI. */ const int32 kCI_DefaultWindow = 0L; ///< in CallInstrument*, display VI's window using VI's default window styles const int32 kCI_ModalWindow = 1L<<0; ///< in CallInstrument*, display VI's window as modal const int32 kCI_AppModalWindow = 1L<<1; ///< in CallInstrument*, display VI's window as 'application modal' /* Legacy C function access to call a VI. Newer code should consider upgrading to use the C Interface to LabVIEW. */ /* @param viPath fully qualified path to the VI @param windowFlags flags that influence how the VIs window will be shown @param nInputs number of input parameters to send to the VI @param nOutputs number of output parameters to read from the VI @return error code describing whether the VI call succeeded The actual parameters follow nOutputs and are specified by a combination of parameter Name (PStr), type (int16*) and data pointer. @example CallInstrument(vi, kCI_ModalWindow, 2, 1, "\07Param 1", int16_Type_descriptor_in1, &p1, "\07Param 2", int16_Type_descriptor_in2, &p2, "\06Result", int16_Type_descriptor_res, &res); @note This function does not allow the caller to specify a LabVIEW context in which to load and run the VI. Use a newer API (such as the C Interface to LV) to do so. @note Valid values for windowFlags are: kCI_DefaultWindow (0L) kCI_ModalWindow (1L<<0) kCI_AppModalWindow (1L<<1) */ TH_SINGLE_UI EXTERNC MgErr _FUNCC CallInstrument(Path viPath, int32 windowFlags, int32 nInputs, int32 nOutputs, ...);
    1 point
  2. @Steve Drouilhet No problem. I believe it was this toolkit: https://github.com/Indie-Energy/AWS-IoT-RESTful and the license is pretty wide open I believe. If I have a chance I'll see if I can pack it up and contribute to the project on the github. I'm also using the WireFlow toolkit (paid) for some MQTT projects with a broker that I've set up. I was initially drawn to the Indie-Energy one even though I have a WF toolkit license since it was more plug and play for AWS. I do think now after learning more about the AWS IoT stuff that either will work, but also that I don't want to work with AWS IoT if I can help it. Note, the WF toolkit does not use the native LV2020 implementation and they do not have plans to do so. The reason I replaced the IE toolkit TLS code is because I had issues on Linux RT and that fixed it. I have not had issues in general with WF on RT, but I'm not using TLS in that application (yet).
    1 point
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