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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2021 in all areas

  1. Seems VIMs can no longer be used in polymorphic VIs either. I don't think this is a good idea. The VIMs I've played around with (before the type case structure was introduced) relied on at least one terminal having a type which would dictate the undefined types due to the nature of the internal polymorphic VIs (like a Queue or DVR). This is why I was trying to get a VIM to create a DVR which "should" define the type across all connected VIs which would solve this problem. In a nutshell, I'm expecting this set of VIMs (rightly or wrongly) to behave like the Queue, Notifier et. al. primitives when the Enqueue and Dequeue element terminal is unwired.
    1 point
  2. I can't find them in the examples finder (tried a few different words). The button on VIPM shows the directory with them, though. FWIW. I hate the example finder. You neeed to know the right words for what you're searching for and it's a lot of clicks and typing to get there (ignoring the excrutiating pain of actually creating the Example Finder special files). It's much preferable to have them in the same pallet as the VIs; as you had originally. They need to take that requirement off of the tools network checklist.
    1 point
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