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  1. Does your institution have a school of computer science, software engineering, or similar? If you are allowed to, perhaps you could sit in on some of their introductory lectures.
    1 point
  2. Despite having created LabPython about two decades ago, I always prefered to go with C. LabPython (and Python itself too) are also written in pure C. One reason I think is that Python is also a high level programming language like LabVIEW. What I could do in Python I could also always do in LabVIEW, but certain things are simply not really possible (or at least not with reasonable effort) in both of them and require a lower level language. But C(++) is quite a different thing to work in for sure. It gives great power and control but that comes with great responsibilities too. While you have to really try hard to crash a LabVIEW or Python program, it's a matter of seconds to do that in C(++). This means programming in C is a little different than doing the same in LabVIEW or Python. If something goes wrong in your C program or library it is often not just an error code that is returned, but your test program simply dies without any warnings, questions or dialogs if you would maybe like to save your intermediate data results. In LabVIEW you get typically an error cluster out, look at it, determine where the problem is, fix it and start your program again, without any need to completely start LabVIEW itself again or sometimes even restart the whole computer just to be sure. Once you are used to that, it is not really much different anymore, but it is certainly something to be aware of before making the decision.
    1 point
  3. We have noticed in the last few years that the outstanding support from NI technical support quickly detorated to the level of standard untrained technical support that call centers located in some low income countries often provide. However I have to say that this trend seems to have been reversed in recent times. I had three technical support questions in the course of about one year now, non was standard and included things that were simply not possible because the feature was officially not present. The support people were very helpful in trying to find workarounds and in two cases provided even solutions that were based on information that was gained directly from the product owners and developers to access the feature through direct behind the scene configuration files and APIs. In both cases with the strong warning that this was not the officially sanctioned way to do things and that there was a real chance that it may break in future versions, but that it was at the moment the best that could be done.
    1 point
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